The Best Kind

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Super super long chapter! Can't wait to finish this story so I can focus on the new one I'm starting to come on with :DD Your votes and comments are much appreciated :DD

My shoes clicked against the tile floor of the diner that we had stopped at as I walked over to the booth that we were seated at. Embry and Kat sat on one side while Jacob sat on the other. Sliding in next to Jacob, I shot everyone a smile as I got situated.

"Hey, what'd I miss?" I asked as I picked up the menu that we sitting in front of me and looked to see what they had to eat.

"Nothing really, just boring work talk." Kat said in a bored voice. I looked up at her and smiled before returning to my search for food.

"What can I get you guys this afternoon?" a male voice said from above me. I lifted my gaze from my menu and looked up to see a relatively cute guy with dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and nicely tanned skin. From the tight light blue t-shirt he was wearing, I could see that he had strong biceps and some stomach muscles as well. As he pulled a notebook out of his back pocket, he looked down at me and shot me a smile. I smiled back before looking back down at my menu. Everyone ordered their food, and then it was my turn.

"What can I get you, gorgeous?" the waiter asked me, making me chuckle softly as Jacob wrapped a protective arm around my shoulders. I glanced over at him to see a glare on his face as he looked at our waiter.

"Hamburger and Diet Coke, please." I said as I closed my menu and handed it to the waiter.

"Coming right up." The waiter said as he took my menu from my hands and shot me a wink before walking off to put our order in. Jacob's grip on me loosened a little as the waiter disappeared from sight, moving his arm so it was resting on the back of our seat while his hand rested on my shoulder. I reached down and squeezed his knee as I shot him a smile before turning my attention to Kat. Her and I started a conversation about random things that had happened since we had been split up when she had had to move until our food came. The waiter gave everyone their food first before finally giving me mine. He shot me another smile and a wink as he put my order in front of me before turning to leave. I felt him brush up against me as he left, totally obvious that he meant to. I shook my head to myself as I picked up some fries off my plate and took a bite of them, smiling at the others. They shook their heads at my before turning their attention to their food.

When we were all done with our food, the four of us just sat talking while we waited for our waiter to bring us our check. The diner seemed to be pretty busy, so it was reasonable that we hadn't gotten it yet. 

Finally, the waiter came over to us. He surveyed the table and saw that we were done. Pulling out the notepad from before, he tore off a piece of paper and handed it to me.

"Please come again." He said with a smirk on his face as I took the bill from him. I gave a short nod of my head before looking down at the bill. I looked at the price and as I went to hand the bill to Jacob, I realized that there was an extra piece of paper with the bill. Pulling it out in front, I looked at it and chuckled.

Call if you want a good time

I rolled my eyes and stuck the slip of paper quickly into my jacket pocket so Jacob didnt see it. The last thing we needed for him to do was go and beat the shit out of him because I didnt want to deal with the police today. I handed Jacob the bill and he looked it over with a nod of his head before looking at me.

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