Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3

My breath finally caught up with me, I ran my hand threw my once messed up hair. I made my way towards the death room, music still blasting by my ear because I had failed to take then off when I got home. I let the head phones hang around my neck as I walked down the familiar halls. The memories of things that happened years ago was running through my head.



"Black Star please no, Maka would you like to come over later and have some tea?"

"Where also doing Make overs, Time to pretty you up."

"I'm going to make over my giraffe, it's gonna be sooooooo fun!"

"Oy, tiny tits your friends are talking to you, get your head out of the book and answer them, not cool."

I gave a soft smile as the memories flowed as I know passed the familiar gates to the death room and my heart stopped and eyes widened at what stood in front of me. Six figures stood tall, it was..them. It was every single person that left me those five years.

Death the Kid, he wore a blacked suit that was perfectly symmetrical, and over it was the Shimigami cloak that once belonged to his fathers. His three stripes wrapped around his hair, he grew, He was close to six feet, his muscles developed he far surpassed the body he once had in our teen years.

Next to him was Liz whose smile faded when seeing my face, she wore a tight white shirt that was lifted above her belly button that had a piercing on it. She also had ripped up black jeans that were similar to mine and pf course her and Patty's signatures hat. She was shorter then Kid and her hair was curled.

Patty who sat on one the stairs holding a stuff giraffe looked at in awe. Her hair was the same length and she wore close to what Liz had, but with shorts that hugged her legs instead of being puffed out like she use to have them. Patty's faced matured but is was still one of the sweetest out of the bunch.

Blackstar stood tall, he was a foot shorter then Kid and his arm muscles where exposed from the sleeveless shirt he wore and can I just say wow, you could even see his star clan tattoo. He wore white pants and his hair spiked was still the same.

Tsubaki stood next to him wearing close to what had on, and if you thought she looked amazing before, she was just astonishing, I didn't think it was possible for her too be any more perfect. She was only inches away from Blackstar.

Then there was Soul, his red eyes and white hair, he stood tall. A leather jacket was worn over him with a white button up shirt underneath it and it fitted him perfectly, he had gray pants, and held a cool glaze to top everything off. A blush came across my cheeks for a moment but quickly fainted, 'Don't you remember the last time stupid, don't even start'

My best friends but it felt different. I didn't like it.

"And who might you be?" Kid said

I don't understand. I'm going crazy right? A dream...This isn't real, no way...

I dug my nails in my palm hoping that the pain would wake me up




Okay this isn't a dream.

"Excuse me, who are you." Kid repeated.

"Are you serious?" I said with a bit of annoyance. They gave me a combination of confusion and dirty looks because of my rudeness.

I sighed "Maka Albarn, three star mister, reporting in."

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