Chapter 11

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Hey guys so im posting one of my one shots with this because it is based off current events aannnnnddd I need some love advice. I know a loser like me has someone I like too .....kinda...well tell me what you guys think, and if you want to skip it you can, the Soul eater story is the one not in bold soooooo...

How do you know if you love someone?

It was our senior year of high school and it felt that we were just going to be friends. I though you wouldn't think more of me because we have been friends since freshmen year. We were both a bit nerdy in our own different ways. You where nerdy as in an 'educated and every now and again fandom'. I was different I was nerdy in the sense of anime, cartoons and comic books. Were friends but I couldn't remember the exact moment when we became friends or even the exact moment we meet.

It could of been in our PE class, we were all new then I was a chunky, always joking, aggressive, talkative girl and you didn't talk much, your acne was begging, and you were kind, skinny, sweet boy. It was just simple chats and even then it made me happy talking to you. I had a small crush on you then and I never told anyone that, it was just something I kept to myself. This may be the closes I could narrow it down for when we first meet and became friends.

Through the next couple of year we remained friends and I always said you where annoying but I never actually meant it. You began to talk more and were a lot more playful, you made more friends and that once crush I had was pushed to the back of my mind. Other boys captured my attention and other girls captured yours but relationships just weren't in out cards.

You made a lot of other female friends and you seemed happy, but you still hanged out with us during lunch.

Senior year came around our appearance came a long way. I was, in my words, fat but my curves came in my chest caught many people's attention but my ass was lacking. You, got stronger still skinny but stronger, you worked out and muscles where forming and your hair got longer to where you could tie it back, your glasses was replaced by prescription colored contacts, but I always like your real eye color, your face cleared many people found you attracting. You looked older and you looked so different from freshmen year but your humor, your attitude, and your smile was the same. It made me feel different, it was a different feeling then what I had once felt during freshmen year, yet it was similar. You made my heart flutter and when I was around you made me feel special, and there were moments when we would just catch each other's attention and look at each other, you seem to captivate me and I looked away because I would feel embarrass. We would play fight and you would let me play with your hair, but you let others as well. Being with you like that made me feel different like I was pretty, and because of it I dressed in cloths that I hoped would catch your attention. It made me wonder if I had feelings for you but I didn't know. I knew what a crush felt like but this was different.

My few of my friends asked me if I liked you and I said yes because it believed it was true. One of my friends said I should confess to him, but at that time you had said who you kind of liked. The girl you liked was so pretty and thin, she was smart and talented and she was chill and I liked her too she was my friend. I started thinking... if you liked that kind of girl you wouldn't like me in that way. She was the opposite of me she was everything a girl should be and I wasn't.

Senior year was half way over and I got depressed, so many bad things started happening. I was either always sad or numb all the time. I cried the most I ever had, our friends comfort me and you did in a way as well. It was new for me because I didn't know how it felt to have that can of friendship the can that support you. Our group started hanging out more outside of the school and our group of 8 soon turned into a group of 3 me, you, and another girl.

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