chapter 1

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Even though the moon was now a black Ord that contained one of the fiercest monster, even though Crona disappeared, even though lord death had died, everything was done. Everything that had happened for these past months was done, everything was soft and calm as the crowd of DWMA students and faculty gathered to listen to our new leader. Soul and I watched as one of our very best friends came up in front of the crowed. Death the Kid was taking his father's spot he looked strong as he faced all of us as he wore the cloak of a shimigami.

"WE WILL NOT SUBMIT TO FEAR- "Kids speech began we all listened to his words thinking of the past current events, his speech has strong, heart filled, it felt like we were moving forward with no fear. His words made me feel safe, and Soul standing right next to made me safe. "-and now presenting Soul Eater Evens, the death scythe" All eyes went to the Soul as he walked forwards and stood next to Kid.

He gave one of his sharped tooth grins, and at that moment I felt so proud of him, he was standing tall.

"It feels like quite a lot has happened huh..." he walked back down to the third step and his leg turned into the new version of his scythe, a piano. He took a seat and raised his fingers and slammed down onto his keyboard. His music filled the crowed as people erupted into cheers. The party began as people started dancing, laughing, and Souls fangirls screaming for him.

It is a happy moment but this unsettling feeling came threw me, the feeling that things were going to change, that Soul was going to be leaving me. I watched him as he played and he held a smile, my heart thumped and for the first time I realized how much he changed. No not his combat skills, or his piano playing, or his bravery...but I noticed him for the first time I noticed his as a male.

He was so different from when I first meet him.

I walked away from the crowed as I took a seat next to him.

"These meatheads aren't even listening... aren't you gonna do anything." I chucked, we started a small conversation but I was quickly halted by his remark.

"Its thanks to you Maka, that I stopped running away. Even this music is something we made together isn't it." That was the first time I ever blushed... the first time he made me blush like that. It was making my heart race. 'My best friend' I thought to myself. "I KNOW!" I said shooting up from my seat with a smile. I looked up the sky "Then let's say it together, to Crona! We'll make the kishin realize it, as many times as it takes. WE WILL SHOW EVERYONE THROUGHTOUT THIS WORLD! THIS COUR-"


My eyes fluttered open as my face made contact with the hard wood floor. I blinked one, I blinked, one more time...

Are you kidding me, that dream again?

vote and comment, I know I haven't written in awhile and I'm sorry but I guarantee this story will be a tons better. Just keep reading my fellow outsiders.  

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