Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Jude stormed away mad, it had turned out that Kid had called her unsymmetrical trash, and then began to cry about how his pants only had a button on one side and not the other. He was drunk.

Jacob and I couldn't help but bust up laughing but it quickly stopped when she hit us and went home.

"Walk home." She said as she drove away, which sucked because she was both of our rides home.

"Crap now I have to take that shady looking subway." Jacob said now dressed in his usual cloths. "Sorry, Maka you gotta finish closeting up." I gave a deep sigh "Sure." I said because I lived the closet.

So now, it was just me, in a restaurant... with a bunch of drunks.

I gave a deeper sigh, I walked into the room and total shit broke lose. Pattie and Liz were standing on top of the table practically becoming a striper. Kid was becoming over obsessed and was cleaning and fixing everything in the room, Blackstar was dancing like there was no tomorrow from the new music he put on. Tsubaki is completely knocked out, but she kept making soft moans... well she must be have one of those dreams. Emma was tipsy, she just sat there with a big smile, but when she saw, me she frowned, while she moved closer to Soul. Soul sat there with a bored expression with a half-empty glass of alcohol in his hand.

His eyes narrowed at me with some relief on his face. "Getting drunk isn't cool." He said as he pushed his glass away from him. Emma made a tsk noise as if she knew he was lying and Soul gave her a quick glare, but she was a bit to tipsy to notice.

"That's not what you were saying when-"

"Em." He said harshly.

"-we first meet all the way to a couple of months ago, you were always drinking-"

"Emma." He said harder "-and complaining about your 'flat chested miester.'"

He stood quiet, as Emma made a knowing grumble. I looked down at Soul... so he had troubles too... I want to ask him...

"Soul..." "Not cool." He grumbled while looking at Emma, she shrugged, "And What about you-" She said now taking a big swig of Souls cup, "-You're not flat chested anymore..." She coughed. "You look like you get around."

"Excuse me?" I said as harsh as Soul first did, did she just call me a slut?

"Yeaaa, that guy you were talking too.. err the gay one? Well we heard what he said-" She was completely wasted now. "-he was gonna say you sleep with someone- "

"I think you should stop." I said getting madder by the second.

"No! JEEZ! Every since we got here Soul has been excited to see you, I have never see him so fucking happy! I'm his partner and his girlfriend and I can't even make him that happy."






"Em.." Soul started slowly. "You guys are together?" Blackstar blurted and now the group was now paying attention to what Emma was saying.

"YES!-" she yelled in frustration.

They are together... my heart hurts.

"Maybe we should talk about this another time." Tsubaki said trying to calm the situation, she looked like she was sobering up now.

"Yea Em, your kind of drunk and this is your only your first day of meeting Maka." Liz said while climbing off the table.

"NO! because ever since we got here he can't take is eyes off of you!" She spat. "His soul wavelength is going crazy! And you don't even care!" she yelled. Soul was looking away but as soon as she said that his head shoot up. "EMMA!" He yelled, while grading her arm gently "No! Soul!" she said yanking it out.

She was riled up and drunk and there was no way of stopping her, so I mentally prepared myself for the worse.

"Do you even care? He was your partner, and you never even tried to contact him! You made him a death scythe, a great and an amazing weapon, you haven't said more than a few words after five years. How did you even win in a fight? You look weak-" "-Emma!" Soul raised from his seat looking pissed, but she continued to rant. "-can you not feel his wavelength." I flinched at her comment, her eyes widened.

"You can't feel it." The stares of shock from everyone dug in deep, I covered my chest. "Oh my where partner for years... YOU MADE HIM A DEATH SCYTHE! AND- and you can't even feel it."

I stood quite

"Is it just his or is it everyone's?" she asked, more silence and then she scoffed. "What kind of mister are you? Tsk you're a disgrace, after all that fame you got, after crona, after your partner left to go on a life-threatening mission... you had sex with someone?"

A shaky breath released from my mouth.

"Was he good? How hard was it?"

Nobody said anything.

"Did you like it?"


"How many times did it happen?"



I swallowed a sob and looked straight at her, my eyes locked with her wobbly ones. I took one deep breath as the first secret that started the rest came out of my mouth.

"When I first had sex, it wasn't my choice to have it."

Sooooo guuyyyysss did you expect that? Got any questions? :)

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