Chapter 18

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"You guys know each other?" Alice asked.

"Umm yea school." Tadashi said embarrassed. "I didn't peg you for a party girl Maka." he said as he rubbed the back of his head. He eyed me up and down as a blush crossed his face.

"We are actually partners for an assignment." I said as I looked at him in confusion.

" Okay, okay... Dashi, I need you to take Maka out unnoticed. No spades and no heart gangs can see her." Alice said giving me one last squeeze.

Tadashi nodded as he took off the jacket he was wearing to cover my shoulders and lifted the hood to cover my hair. "There is a way out threw the back door. Hardly anyone uses. Let's go." He said leading the way out. I fallowed giving Alice one last look. She looked so sad and concerned, having her on my side would be helpful but dangerous.

The music blasted as Tadashi back faced me and the crowd got to be fewer and fewer. No words were said until "Tadashi! My Man!" A unknown voice called out. He stopped by being cut off by a intoxicated man that smelled of booze and throw up.
"Jasper, I-" "The hearts miss you! God dude this is crazzzzyyyyyy. Everyone would be super excited to see you. Psh everyone besides Mitch." My body tensed at the name. "But he isn't here so it's all good." He let out a big laugh. His eyes went from Tadashi to me. "Eh! Who is this cutesy gal. Damn rocking body!!!" He said throwing his arm over my shoulder.  Anxiety started to build up.

I felt another arm around my waist. Tadashi has grabbed me and pulled me close to him. His other hand rested on my head as it pulled my hood further down. My head was to his chest, a blush crept onto my face. "Sorry Jasper! Me and my girl already have plans." He said protectively.
"Your girl! Oh! Ohhhhhhhhh!!! Tadashi! I never thought I would see the day! Okay, okay, okay, go have fun." He left. Tadashi still held me.

Being in his arms felt so.... good.  God Maka don't start again. He pulled away with a really flustered look in his."I-er- I'm so sorry" I looked at him flustered.  "Let's go."

He lead me out of the club but never let go of my hand. It wasn't until we where on the subway headed to the main part of death city did he let go of my hand and mumbled out a soft sorry. There was only me and him on the train so I took a seat while her stood standing holding on the the bar. His black ripped jeans fitted him nicely. He wore a black v-neck with a blue flannel over it. His hair was slick back. His blue eyes were transparent and piercing my skin with every look. They were.... looking at me hard.

"You are the queen of the spades huh?" I looked at him. His eyes looked cold. I stared at him hard at that question.

"I... was..." I said slowly. He stared at me. "You are part of the hearts gang?" He slowly nodded. "I was a Jack." He said showing his tattoo that was a little higher on his V-line. I couldn't help but blush a bit. I guess this is why he had a bad reputation at school.

"Where you there for the war?" I asked slowly. He nodded. "I was running it. Fallowing everyone of Mitch stupid demands while he was behind bars." He said shoving his hand in his pockets. "I left because I couldn't handle it anymore." I nodded. "Me too. Our king- I mean .... Elliot... I just couldn't handle all of his..." I tightened my eyes and lowered my head. He understood the silence, "It's good you left. Elliot is not a kind guy... neither is Mitch. All these years wasted on a brothers feud." He shook his head. I stood silence. "How did a nice girl like you get into this mess? You're Maka Albarn, creator of the last death scythe. Part of Lord Kids group, the first in every single one of our classes. How did you get involve in a gang that make drugs, and murders innocents for the sake of creating destruction?" He asked takeoff a knee and looking deep into my eyes.
"How did you?" I asked aggravated. He stood silent. "I got in a fight with Alice, I joined the gang to spite her. I was a fool when I was younger." He said shaking his head. "All I wanted to do was party and fool around. Alice wanted me to finish school." "Sounds like her." I mused with a soft smile. I stared at him silently "I-I don't want to talk about how I got in or what my role was." I said softly. "I just want to forget and carry on." He looked at me and then grabbed my hand.

"I understand" He said looking at me. "But you came out of it alive and not many do.." his face moved closer to mine, his voice got deeper. "You have always seemed to be special ever since I first meet you... this just goes beyond it." His voice made my body shake. He was the only thing I wanted at the moment.  "I-I.. Tadashi... I." I moved my head to the side because I new if I stood I would end up kissing him. He was just... so intoxicating right now.
"....When you feel comfortable cane talk to me." He said getting up and started to walk away but my strong grip made him sit down next to me. Our hands still entwined, he looked at me surprised and I was rather embarrassed by my action. "S-Stay please." He looked at me and nodded.
"We can talk about school." He laughed as he put his arm around me with our hands still locked together.

He was warm and smelled nice. Different from Soul. But I didn't hate being like this with him. But Soul Eater kept flashing in my head as we talk.

"So the competition is next week."

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