Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: If I owned the Fosters, Teri Polo would be my best friend, but she isn't. She doesn't even know I exist. So I'm going to stop writing this Disclaimer because it's gonna make me super sad.      

 November 5, 2003


Thoughts kept rattling in my head, one of them being what Mariana said 'What I never like boys?' Of course, being lesbian myself, I would accept that. Even if I wasn't, I would be 100% okay with her being that way. While I was thinking about this, another thought came to me; my dad. It all started 2 or 3 years ago when I told him Mike and I were seperated and I was thinking about filing a divorce. He had told me getting a divorce was a very "Un-Catholic" thing to do. He really didn't have the right of saying that considering he divored my mom 20 years ago, when I was 9. Then I met Lena that wonderful day that I was touring Anchor Beach for Brandon's upcoming kindergarten year. Before I told Mike that I was gay the day we met for coffee, I had told my dad. I told him I was a lesbian. I remember it exactly how it happened.        FLASHBACK

I walked into the house I grew up in right on the beach. He was watching football, the Chargers vs. the Patriots with the Chargers up by 3. He was yelling at the TV, rooting for the Chargers, and didn't hear me walk in. I sat down next to him and he put the TV on mute. "Hey, Stef." He had said. "Hey, dad." I said, smiling and looking down at the awful carpet that he had bought. "What's up, sweetie?" He asked me, looking somewhat concerned. "Dad, I- I, it's taken me a while to realize I'm not the Stef Foster you or I, for that matter, think I am." I said. "What does that mean? I'm pretty sure you're the same Stef Foster you were last week and the week before that." He told me. "But I wasn't, Dad. I am- I am gay." I said, getting it off my chest. "I'm sorry?" He looked confused. "I'm a lesbian." I verified. "I've met this woman who is amazing and I belong with her." "Stef, you have a husband and a son, how could you make such a stupid choice. To be gay? Is that really what you want?" He asked. "Being who I am is not a choice, Dad. I'm still going to have Brandon, he will still be my son, I'll just have a wife instead of a husband. And I know you don't want a lesbian for a daughter, but the sooner you accept me for who I am, the sooner we will be in a good place. This is all on you." After that I had stood up, pushed my bangs out of my face and walked out of the living room into the kitchen and out the sliding glass door. 


Tears started to roll down my face as I lay in bed and sat up. I turned on the TV in our room and the People's Choice Awards Nominees of 2003 were on. "And the last nominee for Best Actress goes to... Alex Young: September Day!" A picture of a beautiful blonde movie star and her boyfriend, teacher Patrick Owen, came on the screen. Alex looked like my twin. More pictures came up; one of her and her sister Sherri, more of her and her boyfriend, pictures of Sherri, Patrick, Alex, and a man named Stevie. I cried some more, turned off the TV, and tried to fall asleep.

*LENA:My hand was still in Stef's when I woke up, now clamy and wet.*

I opened my eyes, waking up from a great night sleep. I looked at Stef who was wide awake, bangs in her face. I sat up and brushed them out of her face and leaned forward and put my lips on top of hers. "Stef, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, I've been up all night." She told me.

"Where you thinking again?" I asked. She nodded and sighed. "Nothing good ever happens when you think." I said with a smile. "About what though?"

"Mariana, my dad, and most recently, Alex Young." She told me.

"Alex Young? The actress?" I asked. She, again, nodded. I shook my head.

"So which one did you think about first?" I asked.

"Mariana." She answered.

"Okay, what about her?" I asked more questions.

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