Chapter 25

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Disclaimer: I don't own the Fosters and I can not lie. Some other brothers can deny.

Friday, December 6, 2003


"Good morning, my love." I said to Lena as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Good morning, you sexy thing." She replied.

"Do we have enough time for a shower?" I asked.

"I do believe so, Missy." She replied. 

"Then get up, you gorgeous thing, you." I screamed.

"Shhh!" Lena screeched. "I'm coming."

"Well come faster!" I demanded while running into the bathroom. 

"Maybe we should brush our teeth so I can attack your esophagus without gagging." She suggested.

"Good idea!" I answered. I quickly brushed my teeth and turned on the shower. I pulled off my shirt and pulled off my underwear and pajama pants. I walked over to Lena, naked, and began playing with her pants. I pulled down her pants while bending down. I stayed close to the ground and looked up at Lena who was smiling. I tugged on the top of her underwear and slowly began to pull it down. Down past her thighs, past her knees, calves, all the way to her ankles. She stepped out of it and I kissed her cilt. I continued kissing up until I hit her lips. We wobbled into the shower and I pushed her up against the tile wall. "I have something totally random to say."

"What's that?" She said when she got the chance to breathe. 

I moved apart from her and said, "First, I'm going to wash your hair, then I'm gonna fuck you in the shower which is going to leave you unable to walk."

"Do it! Fuck me!" She screamed.

"I gotta wash your amazingly fluffy hair first." I told her.


"Do you remember when we had sex every day of the week for two straight weeks?" I asked.


Thursday. Day 5 of this sex streak. It's great of course, shower sex, floor sex, bed sex, couch sex, this time it was car sex. We were pushed up against each other with me on the bottom. Our fingers were intertwined and we were sweating. I was freezing with my wet skin against the leather, but I didn't say anything because Stef was keeping me warm. I pulled off her shirt and we rolled around making me on top. I kissed her naked skin and unclasped her bra and ripped it off of her.


"Of course." She said. "Best two weeks ever." 

"I love spontainous things like this." I moaned as she pushed a finger up. "And things like that too." 

I could feel her smile on me as she put another finger up there. "How about that?" She asked.

"Damn baby!" I screamed jumping up and down.

"Feel good?" She asked putting a third up there.

"Yes!" I screamed. We fell to the bottom of the shower and continued kissing one another until air was a necessity.


"I love you." She whispered into my neck.

"I love you too." I said back.


I knocked on the door of my girlfriend of 3 weeks apartment. I smiled as she opened the door.

"Stef!" She exclaimed.

"Hey, ummm, can I come in?" I asked hoping I sounded as nervous as I was.

"Of course, of course. What's wrong?" She asked.

"Over." That's all I said. Suddenly I found myself pushing her against the wall, kissing her over and over again.

"I'll take it that it's not over?" She asked.

"Of course not. I love you." I said before I realized what had came out.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"Shit. I'm sorry." I whispered.

"No, it's fine really." She said. "Just say it again." 

"I love you, Lena Adams. Everything about you. You're the first and the only woman I'm going to be with." I said.

"No, no." She said. "Just the first part." 

"I. Love. You." I said slowly with a kiss between every word.

"I love you too." She said now pushing me against the wall.

"What?" I asked not expecting her to say it back.

"I love you, Stef. You're eyes, you're smile, the way you look in that uniform." She told me.

"Say it again." I whispered.

"I love you, Stef." She said once more.


"Why do I feel like you were having a flashback?" I asked Stef.

"Because I was." She said with a smile.

"About?" I asked.

"Those three amazing words." She said moving in for a kiss. "I. Love. You."

"I remember that so well." I said. "You were so surprised when I said it back." 

"I didn't realize you felt that way." She whispered into my neck.


"Can I use your shower?" Stef asked.

"Sure." I said with a somewhat devious smile. I hadn't had any plans to walk in on Stef, it kinda just happened. I had completely forgotten that she was in there when I went to brush my teeth. I opened the door and she screamed. I could see her body, blurry though, through the steamed door. "Oh sorry," I said kinda embarrassed, but totally happy with what I saw.

"You're fine." She yelled over the shower water. "You can come in if you want." I had never seen her naked, but I accepted the offer and shut the bathroom door. I began stripping all my clothes off and opened the shower door and walked in. Stef stood there in awe and I looked at Stef astonished. I had never been so amazed by a woman's body. Her breasts were huge and I loved her prefectly toned arms. "Should I?" She asked. I nodded, unable to speak. She put her hand on my breast and it fit in perfectly. "I could, uh, stay the night..." She suggested. "Only if you want." She quickly covered up. 

"I would love that." I accepted.

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