Chapter 26

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Disclaimer: Roses are red, violets are blue, I don't own Stef Foster and neither do you. (Unless you actually do own Stef. Then yay for you!)

Sunday, December 8, 2003


Driving in the same car with Mike didn't make me happy. Yes, it's Sunday, but when you're in the police force you don't work your typical 9-5, Monday-Friday shift.


"I'm home!" I exclaimed. I walked into the kitchen and found Lena crying while sitting on the stool. "What happened?" 

"Nothing." She said wiping the bottom of her eyes so she was careful not to mess up her make up.

Brandon walked in and I asked him, "Why is she crying?"

"Because Daddy hit her." He said.

"Shit." I could hear Lena mumbled.

"Is this true, Lena?" I yelled. She nodded. "Give me a minute." I stomped out the door and drove away.

When I got to my old apartment, I knocked on the door over and over until Mike opened. I pushed through him and slammed the door.


"Nothing. What did I do?" He acted innocent.

"YOU HIT MY WIFE, MY WOMAN, MY EVERYTHING!" I continued yelling.

"Stef, I'm sorry." He said.

"DID YOU KNOW B SAW IT?" I yelled again.

"Yeah, he asked me what I did to his mom." He said. I stopped for a minute. His mom? Brandon asked about his MOM! Holy shit, I might jump.

"You look drunk, Mike." I said.

He interrupted  me and said, "I'm perfectly sober."

"Your words are slurring." I said. All the sudden, he pushed me against the wall and began feeling me where only Lena had in a while. He roughly kissed my lips and I began to push him off of me. "That's it, you're not seeing B for a while. Not until you're sober." 

"Stef, I'm sorry. Please let me see B." He said.

"Fine, you can come by the house between 5 and 7 on Tuesdays through Thursdays only. Your choice when, but he will NOT be coming here alone."


As if Mike knew what I was thinking, he put his hand on my thigh and began sliding up. "Excuse me?" I said pushing his hand off of me. "What are you doing?"

"I miss being married to you, Stef." He said. "I miss our family."

"Oh my God! Are you drunk?" I asked. I pulled out my phone and composed a text to Lena~'Call me and make something up. Like an emergency ASAP!' All most immedieatly, my phone began to ring. "Hello?" I answered.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing." I lied. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, ummmm, Mariana fell off the monkey bars and needs to get stitches, but I can't leave. Can you grab her and take her?" She asked.

"My baby girl?" I wondered. "I'm on my way. Love you." I said and hung up.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"Drop me off at the kids school. Mariana needs stitches." I said.


About 20 minutes after I called Stef, she came running into my office. "He-" I said, but she interrupted me and pushed me up against the wall. 

"I fucking love you so damn much." She whispered to me. I do mind the curse words generally, but not now. She was turning me on. I flipped her onto the wall and kissed her the hardest I had in a while.

"Why'd you want me to call?" I asked.

"Mike was feeling me." She told me.

"Well, if you take a shower, I'll feel ya tonight." I said biting my lip.

"You will now?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"You could just do it now." She said unbuttoning her shirt. I moved her shirt out of the way and felt the top of her breasts. I lowered my fingers and circled around her nipple. I bit down on it hard and she moaned. "Yep, you can do it now."


"Hey, babe." I said to Stef when she walked into the kitchen.

"Don't hate me." She said.

"Why w-" I said.

"Mike's behind me." She said.

"Why is Mike coming over?" I asked.

"He feels like I've made a bad choice." She told me.

"About?" I asked.

"About choice in partner?" She suggested. 

Then Mike walked in and I said, "Hey, Mike." hoping I sounded pissed. "So, I hear that you think that Stef made a bad choice when she began dating me?" 

"Yep," He said. "It's wrong what you all are doing."

"Get out." I said. 

"Lena." Stef said.

"No, get the hell out." I said. He left and I began chopping the vegetables again. Stef came back in and walked up to me.

"I'm sorry." Stef said.

"How could he say that in our house? How could he say that at all?" I asked still chopping the vegetables.

"I shouldn't have let Mike come in. I shouldn't have let him say those things." She said.

*Still a flashback* "You need to change partners." I said. "You're not going into work until Mike's not your partner." 

"What am I suppose to do? Still around all day?" She asked.

"No, because I'm taking off as long as you need to." I said.

"Lena, we have 3 kids. At least one of us needs to work." She said.

"No, it's not gonna happen," I said.

"Fine, you sexy dyke." She said and picked me up. She put me on the table and stood between my legs. She slid her hand up my shirt and when she found what she was looking for, she smiled and squeezed softly. I moaned and dragged her up the stairs.

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