Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: By now, I'm guessing you get the message, but I still feel obligated to do these...

SATURDAY-November 9, 2003


"Love, we're only going for the weekend." 

"One whole bag only has the things that I need to control the hair." She told me.

"Have you ever thought about letting it be natrual?" I asked.

"Curly?" She asked. "Ha! Not gonna happen." 

"I think I'd like it, though." I said as I sat up and touched her arm. "I really do." I said looking sincere.

"I just don't think that's gonna happen." She told me. "Now hurry up!" She demanded.

"Lena, love, it's only 7:00!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, but it's 3 hours away." She told me.

"Don't you wanna say bye to the kids?" I asked.

"They'll be fine," she waved her hand down. "And when do you care what the kids think?"

I've always cared, but when it comes to things, you're my number 1 priority." I told her.

Right, then we will go when I want to go." She reitierated.

"After the kids get up." I told her.

"Fine," she agreed. I stood up and looked at the top of her head. Turns out we're not close in height at all. She's a good 4 inches taller than I am. She grabbed my waist bringing me back to to what was important. I smiled and moved forward. I put my arms around her waist. She put her lips on mine and I moved my hands up her back until I hit her neck. I pulled her towards me and our kiss became much more passionate. "I love you." She said between breaths.

"I love you way, way more." I said as I leaned back and looked at her with a smile.

"Ha!" She said again.

"Okay, if you are gonna keep saying ha everytime I say something, I'm gonna go to Barstow myself." I said smiling.

"Ummm, no you're not." She said. "Okay, Stef get packing." She demanded yet again.

"I'm on it!" I said as I pulled out our last suitcase. "How many did you use?" I asked.

"Only 4." She told me.

"Only 4?" I exclaimed now looking at her.

"Do you know how many I usually use?" She asked. I shook my head no. "7."

"No!" I said. She just nodded. I got my stuff in the suitcase and I felt bad as I watched Lena drag 5 suitcases all the way down the stairs. "Aw, babe. I'm sorry, I wish I could help."

"So do I." She said still smiling. "But it's okay, you can just make up for this in 10 years when I need you to drag things down the stairs." 

"10 years?" I asked. "My optomistic, babe." I said with a smile.


"So, do you not think we're gonna last for the next 10 years or something?" I say while looking at Stef and then back on the road.

"What?" She said, I could feel her eyes on me. "Why would you ask that?" 

"Oh, just because when I was dragging down suitcases, you said that I was optomistic to think we'd last for that long." I replied. 

"That. Of course I think we'll be together that long, I think we'll be together forever actually, I'm just saying that I don't think that far into the future often." She told me.

"I know, do you think we are gonna have more children?" I asked her.

"Have? I think we both know that's not gonna happen." She told me as she looked over and smiled.

"I know, I just meant-" I started.

"Adopt." She finished my sentence.

"I love how we can finish eachother's sentences." I told her. She put her arm on my thigh and I placed my hand on top of hers.

"And I love you." She said squeezing my thigh. I looked over at her again then back on the road.


I kissed Lena's forehead. She was asleep in the passanger seat. Her eyes began to open. "Oh, a motel." She said and half smiled.

"Hey, yeah know I'm a cop and you're a vice prinicpal, what do ya expect from me?" I asked.

"That's cool. I'll go check in and you can grab some lunch." She told me. I got out of the car and hobbled  across the parking lot to Buz's Burger Shack.

"Hi, two burgers and two fries please." I ordered.

"Coming right up. Can we have a name?" He asked.

"Stef." I said with a smile.

"Well, Ms. Stef, your total is $7.36." I handed him $8. "Here's your change."

"Thanks," I replied. I got the food and hobbled out the door. Crap! I forgot drinks. I wobbled across the street to a Mini Mart carrying a bag that was dripping grease out the bottom. GROSS! I thought. I looked around the Mini Mart for a good bottle of Preseco, but the nicest bottle was $2. This'll have to do. I thought as I picked up the bottle. I walked up to the counter.

"I'm gonna need to see ID ma'am." The guy said. I looked up.

"You don't realize I'm over 21?" I asked.

"Well, you look so good, I was just checking." He said to me. Is he hitting on me? I wondered. I rolled my eyes and handed him my ID. 

"Here." I said. He scanned the card.

"Yep, you're over 21." He mumbled.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked giving him my version of Lena's "look". 

"Oh nothing, I was just-." He started. I grabbed my wine and snatched my ID out of his hand. I dropped $2.50 and turned around.


"Douche." She said.

"What happened?" I asked getting up off the bed. I nodded as she told me the story. "He seriously said 'yep, you're over 21?" I asked when she was done. She nodded to verify. "Wow, but it's over and you look younger than 21. Trust me." I said taking the bag of burgers that was leaking grease all over the place. "What is this 99% grease and 1% meat?" I asked studying the bag I took from her. She smiled. She looked at the ground and her smile faded.

"Ahhhhh!" She screamed as she tried to get off the floor.

"Wha-? Ahhhh!" I shreeked as I grabbed the preseco and the burgers. Then I jumped on the bed with Stef. "Roaches!" I screamed. The bugs ran across the floor around our bed. 

"Hey it's all good. I have you, wine, and enough grease to last me a lifetime." She said.

"Who's optomistic now?" I asked. She snatched the wine out of my hand and popped the cork off.

"The one with the wine." She said and smiled. Then she drank from the bottle. "Does this make up for yesterday?"

"I think so," I said and kissed her intensly.

"Mmmm." She moaned as my lips were still on hers. "Why am I your favorite?" She got out after we broke apart.

"How could you not be?" I asked playing with the ends of her hair. "You're only the hottest person on this planet."

"Second actually." She corrected. I shook my head no.

"First." I clarified. I began rubbing her upper thigh. "Definetly first." I said as my lips were reaching hers. She smiled and my lips hit hers.

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