Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: No the Fosters owning yet, but... yep that's all.

FRIDAY [con'd]-November 15, 2003


The phone continued ringing. Please answer! Please answer, I thought.

"Hello?" I heard the voice of angel.

"Hey, love." I said, "I'm in Atlanta." 

"Babe, I miss you soooo much!" She responded. 

"There's no way I can manage 4 days with out you. I couldn't even last 12 hours." I said.

"It's gonna be okay, and I'm sorry about how I acted when we were on the phone earlier. You know, about Mike." She apologized.

"And I'm sorry for letting you realize that I wasn't 100% focusing on you." I said. She started laughing. "What?" 

"I don't know, you just sound perfect right now." She responded. I chuckled. "And really, don't worry, I don't like Mike that much anyway." 

"Oh, trust me, I know. Do you remember the first time you guys met?" I asked.


I hate depending on people for rides, but with my car in the shop, I was depending on Lena. I pulled out my phone and texted her. Within seconds, a text came through. "On my way." I smiled and wandered over to a bench outside.

"Hey Stef, do you need a ride?" A male's voice caught my attention.

"Oh, no. Lena's coming to get me." I replied. Mike and Lena hadn't actually met yet and I'd rather of kept it that way.

"Oh, Lena. When are you going to get through this phase?" He asked me.

"Michael. It's not a phase." I told him as he sat down.

"Right, and how long have you guys been together?" He asked.

"3 months." I told him. He put his hand on my thigh like Lena does.

"Hey you guys." Lena broke in. "Hi, I'm Lena Adams." She stuck out her hand.

"Mike Foster." He replied, taking her hand. "Brandon's told me so much about you."

"Only good I hope." She said smiling, pulling her hand away. He nodded.

"Lena, don't you have stuff to do?" I asked trying to get us away.

"Yeah, we should be heading home." She said, playing along.

"Home? You guys already live together?" He looked amazed. "I mean, I've heard lesbians use the UHaul fast, but damn."

"You know, I've heard most male cops are assholes, but I don't see how since you are using it all yourself." Lena had comeback with. I tried my hardest not to laugh.

"Oh! She's a keeper, Stef." Mike said.

"Lena, we need to leave now." I took her hand and pulled her towards the car. Mike was still staring so I leaned over and kissed Lena. He looked disgusted. I smiled as she pulled away.

"Next time that guy's a jackass, well he just better watch out." Lena said.

"I know, and your comeback was hilarious." I said now laughing at it.


"You guys are like Isreal and Palistine." I said.

"Can I be Palistine? I want to be the one large and incharge." 

I laughed. "Of course, I love you most anyway."

"All passengers of Flight 487 to Pensecola, Florida, please board now." A voice came over the loud speaker. 

"Gotta go." I said. 

"I love you more than life." 

"I love you more than chicken." She laughed and blew a kiss through the phone. 


"Mama, when is Mommy coming home?" I looked down to find Brandon asking me the question. He hasn't talked to me in 2 days since he found Stef and I on the couch. "And I'm still mad by the way."

"Brandon, go sit on the couch now." I directed. "We need to have a serious talk."

"Jes-" He started.

"Just the two of us." I interuppted. He made his way over to the sofa. "Tell me why you're mad."

"You and Mommy. You guys were being gross on the couch."

"No, it's called kissing, Brandon."

"Why do people kiss?"

"People kiss because they love each other very much."

"Daddy and Mommy kissed like that."

I practically threw up in my mouth. "I know, but the point, Brandon, is that we were just showing each other just how much we love and missed each other."


I feel like someone just mentioned Mike and I kissing. That brings me to the thought of the last time Mike and I kissed and I actually enjoyed it. May 17, 1995, the day on which Brandon Foster was conceived.


The room was dark, a candle lit in the corner. Mike held my hand and pulled me into our bedroom. "Stef, I really love you."

"I love you too, Mike." I said smiling. He then went right for a kiss. I was stunned at first, but I then got used to what was going on. I untensed and put my arms around his neck. He began spinning me around the room and picked me up. We fell onto the bed and began undressing each other. The next morning, I woke up to find both of us naked.


I shivered, both grossed out and cold. My mind then brought me to the day I found out I was pregnant.


I had been feeling sick for 2 weeks now. I was sitting in the doctor's office. "Mr. Foster, may I talk to you?" The doctor asked.

"No Mike, don't leave." I whined. He pecked my lips and walked out the door. I heard parts of their conversation.

"Your wife-, she's going-, sick for-, she's-." Out of the doctor.

"Oh-, wow-, this is-." Out of Mike. I began getting scared. Mike and the doctor came back in the room. "Oh Stef!" He said. Then kissed me. This time I didn't enjoy it.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked confused. "What's going on?" 

"Stef, babe, you're pregnant!" Mike said to me.


I wiped away my tears, wishing Lena was here to do it for me. I missed her way more than I expected. "Hello passengers of Flight 487 to Pensecola, this is your pilot. We will be arriving in Pensecola in about 20 minutes. Currently the date is November 15, 2003, time zone is Central with the time of 2:00, tempurature is 78 degrees. Thank you for flying with Delta." 

"So where are you from?" I turned to my right and saw a lady with darker skin and curly hair, much like Lena from the future.

Astonished, I replied quickly. "Misson Bay, California. Right outside San Diego. You?"

"Richmond, Virginia." She responded.

"Wow, my brother lives there." I said surprised. Richmond, a very small town, was the capital of that state. 

"Really? What's his name?" She asked.

"Johnny. Johnny Etrick." I responded.

"I know him!" She said.

"How?" I asked confused.

"I'm his girlfriend."

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