Chapter 22

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Disclaimer: The Fosters belongs to: Well, I sure as hell can tell you that it doesn't belong to me.

Friday, November 29, 2003


"Hey, Stef?" I heard Lena yell.

"Yeah? I'm coming." I replied making my way up the stairs. When I was finally in the room, I said, "What's up?"

"So, this is random, but I had a dream... A weird dream." She told me.

"About?" I wondered.

"Me, in the future, pregnant." She said.

I stopped dead in my tracks, "How is that physically possible?" 

"I don't know, sperm donor I guess," She replied.

"Like what, do you want to be pregnant or something?" I asked.

"It's a possibility. I mean, I've thought about it." She responded. "And I'm sure it's tough, ya know, being like that for 9 months." 

"No actually, it was amazing. I wasn't sick at all, there were no complications, short labor and even shorter delivery. He was like an angel from the second he was concieved." I said smiling from the thought of my baby boy.

"Doubt I'll have the same luck." She said.

"Isn't luck, it's genetics. My families had pretty great pregnancies. Except my mom when she had me of course. That whole 1/12 chance of living thing." I told her.

"Well, my families had terrible pregnancies. I'm a carrier for Hemophelia."

"No you're not!" I exclaimed.

"No, I am. My mom's twin had it and died at 2 hours old from the ambilical chord."

"Oh babe that's terrible!"

"I mean, would I take a chance like that? To go through nine months of torcher and pain, but then have the baby die on us?"

"I think you would. It's a baby. It would be our baby. You definetly would." I replied.

"You know, you're right!" She said. 

I shrugged, "Usually am." I fell back onto the bed and fell asleep.

*DREAM {with Stef's comments in [----]}*

[I hate seeing myself in the future when I'm having a dream, but here I am watching myself like 12 years into the future.] "Hey, love." I said walking into our room, putting the lotion on the dresser. 

"Hey," Lena responded holding her stomach. 

"How ya feeling, trooper?" I asked. 

"Queasy, motion-less, dead." I looked at her stomach and it was a decent size. 

"About 4 months until I get my babies right?" I asked. She nodded. "How are my babies? All 3 of them." I said. 

"Well the 2 in the oven aren't letting me eat. And the one right infront of you wants a kiss." I smiled and did what my 3rd baby wanted. Brandon came up the stairs with the mail and I took it from him. I opened one addressed to Lena from her doctor. I read it and began crying the hardest I had in a while. "What's wrong?" She asked. 

"You've been diagnosed  with Preaclamsia for the remainder of your pregnancy." 

"What?" She screamed.


"Stef, what's wrong?" She asked.

I opened my eyes and said, "You're not getting pregnant."

"And why's that?" She asked.

"Just something I saw in a dream. It was a life threatening disease to all 3 of my babies."

"Wait. I was having 3 babies?" She asked.

"No, just 2. You were the 3rd. Now go back to bed." I said and closed my eyes.


*DREAM [Lena's comments in {----}]*

{God and here we are. A dream from the future. I hate these, they keep me afraid of what my life is going to be like} "What's wrong?" I asked a crying Stef. 

"You've been diagnosed with Preaclamsia for the remainder of your pregnancy." 

"What?" I screamed. {Still in the dream} I shot up in the bed and immediatley felt the need to throw up. "One second." I said putting my finger up to Stef. I ran into the bathroom and bent down to the toilet. Chili dogs and V8 juice came flying up, I've had a major craving for sodium. Stef came walking in and bent down next to me. She held back my curls and kissed my temple. 

"Everything is going to be fine." She whispered into my ear. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you or my babies. We're going to figure out a way to keep this problem under control so it's not life threatening to any of the 3 of you." I smiled. "Now kiss me." She demanded. 

"I have throw up breath, so that's not gonna happen." I replied. 

"I don't care. Kiss me, preggers!" She exclaimed. I moved in for her lips and we stood up as one. Our tounges had been dancing for about 2.5 seconds before she gagged. "You're right, you do have throw up breath. And turns out I do care." She said. I began laughing so hard that it hurt. 

"How about the we BOTH brush our teeth." I suggested. She winked and pulled out both of our toothbrushes. Once we were done, we stumbled out of the bathroom and closed the door.


When I woke up, the clock said 6:04. I looked over at Stef who was dead asleep facing away from me. I smiled and pulled her in. She moaned and mumbled, "What?" 

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty." I said.

"Love, I don't think you've said that to me since you surprised me the night after our first date." She said.


Is this weird? I asked myself, but before I knew it, I had already knocked on the door. It's 8 o'clock in the morning. I hope she isn't still asleep! Oh God, what have I done. The door swung open. "Lena!" Stef stood there in her robe. 

"Hey there, Sleeping Beauty." I replied. "Did I wake you?" I asked.

"You did, but it's okay. Come on in!" She replied. 

"I brought some breakfast," I said. 

"Aw," She said. "How thoughtful."

"It's the least I could do, since last night was so amazing." I replied. We both smiled. We were in the middle of eating when she got up and walked over to me. "Ste-" I began.

She cut me off and said, "Oh shut up." She pulled me in for a kiss and I was stunned at first, but I untensed and pulled her in too. It had been the most enjoyable kiss I had had in a while. We pulled apart and she covered her lips. Her eyes said, 'was I suppose to do that?'. I shook my head no and she sighed. She ignored my no, and pulled me in for another kiss. We broke apart again and she slapped herself. "Stop!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. 

"You okay?" I asked.

"I just kissed a girl who probably has a boyfriend. We're just friends. What the hell is my problem?" 

"Honey, I'm gay. Single too. It's okay, there is nothing wrong with you." I said running my hand down her cheeks. I pecked her lips, "It-" I did it again. "Is-" One more time. "Fine." I finished my sentence. She took a deep breath. "Anyway, you're the married one here."

"Nope, I've told Mike that I'm gay. Divorce was official yesterday afternoon. I'm single, hopefully for the moment only." She replied.

"God, that made you hotter." I said pulling her in and pushing her up against the wall. We were panting and sweating. To be honest, I was thinking about sex, but it was the first morning after the first date. Sex would have been pushing it.

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