Chapter 23

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Note: I play basketball, so I used terms that I learned when I first started playing when I was writing Stef's POV. For those of you who do not play, I hope Lena's POV in the next chapter will help you understand. 

Disclaimer: Roses are red, violets are blue, I like Stef Foster more than I like you.

Sunday, December 1, 2003


Just the thought of it now being December made me shiver. December is Mission Bay had never meant snow, but the fact that someone in the country was getting snowed on made me freezing. Actually, December in Mission Bay meant the beach. Then again, January-November also meant the beach, but the point my thoughts came to was it wasn't cold outside. December also meant something else; basketball. It had always been one of my favorite sports and I passed on the love of it to Brandon. I was there when he made his first basket. I was there when he could finally control his dribble. I taught him how to do a chest pass and a bounce pass. I want him to know all the techniques: how to set a pick, how to do a lay-up, how to shoot a free throw, how to drive and cut. There's so much more that he needs to know, but my thoughts brought me back to December. Okay, so cold: check, basketball: check, what else?, I wondered. Right! Christmas. December brings Christmas. In my opinion, Christmas is a time to reflect on the joys the year brought us, the excitment of the upcoming year, it also meant my birthday. My birthday is December 25th, the same day as Christmas. I've always hated that. People would combine my gifts and when I was a child and I really wanted something that was Christmas/birthday worthy, well, pretty much if it was February I was screwed.


December. God, I hate this month. I absolutely hate the cold, sure I'm in Mission Bay and that means I could wear shorts and a tank top, but the thought of the cold is not ok. December means nothing to me. Sure, Stef's birthday is in 24 days now, but so is Christmas. I've always felt bad for Stef and the placement of her birthday, but we both can't help it. December means Winter Break. I love being a Vice Principal more than anything. I also love being home with Stef and the kids, but Stef has to work over break so I'm playing babysitter 9 times out of 10. I mean the kids are my kids too, but they refuse any school work of any kind over the breaks. All Brandon wants to do is play the piano, Mariana wants to hang out with Lexi and Jesus wants to ride his skateboard. I get no quality time with any of them, so I just sit around the house when I could be at the school doing so much work. I wish we just get rid of this month. Stef's birthday would just be in another month wouldn't it?


I woke up alone with no kids and no Stef. "Stef?" I called out. There was no response.

"Hello." Mike said.

I screamed bloody murder and yelled, "Get out of our bedroom!"

"Who's bedroom?" He asked.

"Mine and Stef's." I replied.

"Who's Stef?" He asked.

"Your ex-wife, my current wife. The mother of your son?" I suggested.

"Doesn't ring a bell. When was this Stef person born?" He asked.

"December 25, 1974." I responded.

"Well, I'm sorry, but because of your recent wish, we have gotten rid of the month of December and Stef must have been never born." He replied.

"Wait!" I yelled, but he had disappeared. Stef? Never born. That means Brandon was never born. Mariana and Jesus aren't my kids. Holy crap, I'm single and the one made for me isn't out there. I WISH THIS NEVER HAPPENED!


I looked around and Stef was laying in the bed fast asleep to my right. I sighed. 'I love the month of December' I thought to myself. 'It's completely perfect.' I thought some more.


I felt sweat and I heard deep, quick breaths. I opened my eyes and look inward. I found Lena hypervenalating and sweating. "Babe, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"I love you. Don't ever think differently." She spat out.

"Love, I've never thought differently. What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing, it was nothing." She said.

"Then why are you lying to me?" I asked.

"I'm not lying to you!" She defended herself.

"Yeah. You. Are." I replied.

"Fine, but it was nothing." She said.

"Descreet. Nice." I said and winked.

"You used that word wrong." She told me.

"Stop trying to change the subject!" I said and smiled.

"Love you." Lena said and kissed my forehead.

"Love you more." I said and kissed her lips.

"Mkay." She responded as if she didn't agree.

"You should agree cause it's true." I replied.

I'm posting a new story, but I will continue writing this one. Please read the new story "When The Cancer Struck." Thanks!

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