So weak

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Day two and my cold got a lot worse. I can barely speak and my nose is clogged. I lay in bed and think about my life right now, my worries, my dreams, my struggles, I think about Jan. "Hey! I've got an idea. If I get you the medicine you need. You need to entertain me after. Your no fun when your sick." He'd actually get me medicine? He'd help me get better? He's so lucky because he never gets sick ... and I'm sick, I'm sick and weak. "Hey! Are you listening to me! Are you okay?!" I snap back to reality upon Jan's voice. "S-sorry I zoned out, yes you may get me medicine." I say with closed eyes. "Is there anything else you'd like?" He asks and I feel my hair go up in surprise. "O-oh maybe some lemon tea please." I ask finally opening my eyes. I see him nod and then take his leave.

I'm dreaming. I've fallen into a dark whole and I've found a dog with multiple eyes, and they're red eyes. I take a step away from the dog and the dog takes a step forward. I heard the dog let out a large laugh. The dog starts to transform into a man, but the man looks just as wild as the dog. "Hello there architect girl. I'm here in your dreams, me Alucard, to tell you... your a dumb bitch. AhahAHahaH! Just kidding I'm here so you can deliver a message to this little Jan valentine. Tell him I'll give him about a... hmm... let's say about a year or so to kill himself before I come and kill him for him. Did that make sense? Hahaha who cares bye now!" I see the crazy man known as Alucard start to disappear. The cave starts to get engulfed by a bright white light. "Hey wake up. Wakey wakey! Fucking wake up!" My eyes shoot open to the sound of Jan's voice. "JAN A MAN!... A MAN... ALUCARD!... HE SAID HES GONNA KILL YOU IN A YEAR!.. IF YOU DON'T KILL YOUR SELF!" I burst all that out loudly. I see Jan's eyes turn a fiery yellow and he looks taken aback. What should I do. Without thinking I act. I jump up and hug him tight. "But it's okay... we can run away... right?" I say while looking up at his shocked face. "You'd... run away with me?" I hear him whisper that under his breath and for some reason my mind is telling me yes. I nod my head vigorously and then Jan's face goes serious. "It's impossible. We can't run away from him, he'll find us anywhere." Jan pushes me of him gently and I fall in the bed. I start to pull on my hair in frustration. But why? Why am I caring for him? Who is Alucard? Why?
I look up and see Jan is handing me a cup of tea. I take it and take a little sip. Mhm! This is so delicious! I let out a moan from the beautiful taste. "Is it that good?" I look up and nod excitedly. "It's amazing!" I say and then Jan starts to take a sip from the cup he poured for himself. He licks his lips. "It's good because..." I see a smirk pull up on his face. "Because i put my spurm in it." The moment I hear my I spit and wipe my tongue. I see him laughing. "I'm just kidding! I just wanted to see your reaction." That jurk!! Aish! "Why you! I oughta t-te!.." When I tried to speak my voice cracked and I couldn't finish my sentence. I get up to go get some medicine. "You look terrible. You look worse than a fucking ghoul, your pale as fuck, you walk like you got dick up your ass and your fucking barley breathing! What the fuck could you possibly be getting up for?!" I look over at him and start to walk towards him. I reach his feet and Kneel down my hands on his lap. I stare into his eyes, my face just inches away from his. "Your eyes... are so y-yellow... and but when I look at you... why is it that you look so... empty." I say those words and then collapse.

When I wake up I find myself in Jans arms. He's watching tv, eating and holding me all at the same time. "B-but why?" Those words accidentally slip out my mouth. "Why what?" I look up at him and I reach his gaze. I quickly turn my face away to hide the red in my cheeks then I answer. "Why are y-you holding me?" I see him loosen his grip. "Because you fell over and you move a lot in your sleep and it's pretty fucking annoying so I thought I might as well hold you in place, plus you should be grateful I'm really hot." He says that with his usual psychotic laugh. I slowly start to crawl out of his lap. I can't help but groan upon the pain I feel throughout my body. When I finally get off I stand. "Ahhh!!" I scream in pain and then fall to the floor. My head is hurting so much I feel like it's gonna crack. "What's wrong?!" Jan rushes to my side and tries to figure out what is the matter. "M-my head... hurts!" I think I may have gotten up to fast. Jan starts to pat my head, but he looks really confused. I don't think he knows how to take care of a human girl. I slowly stand up and walk to the fridge, I grab a glass and fill it with water. I feel Jan watching my every move, but could he truly be concerned?
We eat supper and then return to my bed. It's been a long day. I've got big plans tomorrow, I hope I feel better.

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