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I wake up to the sun glittering in my eyes. I turn my head to see Jan staring at me. I snarl at him and get out of bed, and then I feel it. I look at Jan and then at the bathroom. I feel my body growing hotter and hotter by the minute. What if he knows? This is so embarrassing! I slowly walk to the bathroom. "The fucks wrong with you?" I freeze at the sound of his voice behind me. He pushes past me to the bathroom and begins to strip. "Jan please get out... I need to be alone right now." I say while avoiding eye contact as much as possible. I see his figure move closer to me, and I hear him smelling the air. He lifts my hand and looks at it. "Your cuts healed... So why do I still..." I stop him mid sentence, and open the cabinet where the sanitary pads are. I look up at his face and he's smirking as if he's an honor student in a kindergarten class. I scoff and turn away. He walks out the bathroom and flops on the bed, laughing dramatically at the fact that I a human woman is on my period.

I've gotten dressed and have eaten breakfast and so has Jan. I've decide I would go out for some alone time today, I told Jan and surprisingly he  nodded his head and flipped on the couch, he didn't try and come with me. I miss the feeling of independence. With Jan always by my side I've forgotten what it feels like to be on my own.
I spent the day shopping and now I'm heading home, I walk down an alley way full of trash and then threw an abandoned park. I just happily listening to music and walking along when I notice five men walking towards me. I do the obvious thing and move to the side of the side walk so everyone can pass by. As I do one of them walks in front of me and then shoves me to the ground. I squirm about trying to get off my knees when another guy grams me by the hair. When I'm just about to scream one mans hand covers my mouth. "Hehe can't have you making all that ruckus now." One man explains while another man rips open my shirt. I thrash about but it's no use, I decide to give up. "Oh have you decide to give up babe?" The man says with an perverted itch to his voice. I drop my head and feel the tears run down my face. I am no match to five big men. As they strip my clothes off and pull on my hair I hear a loud crash behind us. The men jump and look back, but nothing is there. The men are about to shrug it off but then one man goes flying into a tree. The rest go running, but they don't make it far. In the blink of an eye the men disappear. I shake vigorously and begin to cry even harder. I'm so confused and scared, what just happened. As I sit in the middle of the park half naked I am hoisted up into warm arms. Jan's arms. "Jan w-why are you... here?" I ask with a shaky voice. He doesn't say anything to me instead he just gets me home.
When we get home he puts me in the bath tub and washes the blood from the men off my body. There blood got on my body when Jan picked me up after... I can't even think about what he probably did to those men, but I also can't think about what they would have done to me if Jan wasn't there. "Hey stop zoning out like that... I'll think your dead or something." Jan explains with a soft voice. I look at his hand rubbing my body, I look at his lips pursed together, his dark, dull yellow eyes. I move closer to his face, he seems stunned by just that one little action. I run my hands threw his hair and then kiss his cheek, then I move away and slide back into the bath water. He hesitantly slides his hands back into the water to continue washing my body. I think it's because he's a little to excited from my kiss, but he doesn't want to do anything to me right now while I'm in this state.
I get out the bath and slide on a baggy sweater then I get in bed and cover my head with blankets. I have bad cramps and I'm so tired and stressed, I'm just in such a disturbed mood. I feel Jan snuggle in beside me, and the bed immediately starts to get way warmer, and to be honest I don't understand the logic behind his warmth aren't vampires supposed to be cold? I turn and look at Jan, he must have taken his piercings out because his face is bare. As I am looking at his, extremely attractive face I see his eyes open. His eyes look wild and yellow, it almost scares me. "What's wrong with you Jan?" He seems to be in a calmer state after I asked my question, almost as if he didn't realize the state he was in until I spoke to him. He sits up and rubs his face, he looks really tired. "I'm thirsty as fuck. I can't remember the last time I got a good meal." What does he mean? Thirst and meal are to very different things? Plus I just fed him today, we had chicken and fried rice. "Jan what are you talking about?" I ask and he responds with, "Blood! I need fucking blood to survive and look don't get me wrong you make one hell of a Chicken and fried rice dish but I'll shrivel up if I don't get blood." He says like a mad man. Why wouldn't he drink the men's blood? It was on my body and his hands he could have licked it off. I see he's about to crawl out of bed and I grab his am quickly and pull him into a hug. "Just have a drink off me, don't leave me alone please." I can't be alone right now, so i do the unthinkable. He sighs and then i hear my skin break, and Jan drinking my blood. It's so loud and it hurts. He's drinking from my shoulder, not my neck like any other vampire would. "Why a-are you drinking from my shoulder?" I honestly don't know why i'm asking its not that important anyways. He swallows then licks his lips before answering. "I'm drinking out your shoulder because it's the safest way to drink from your very small body." He has a point, Jan is very tall and me compared to him is in readable. Jokes I look short compared to him but I'm average size, well in my opinion at least.
Jan finishes drinking from my body and then pulls me up and brings me to the kitchen. He pours me a glass of water and begins to chop up some fruits and vegetables. "It's so you don't pass out, I've got to keep you healthy." He says while still focused on cutting the food. I feel like we are getting closer. "By the way I read your mind, and I saw in your deepest thoughts. You like when I touch you." He adds and I feel my body heating up. I ignore him and drink the water. Today was a crazy day.

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