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Today is a day of confusion. Jan and I have had a wobbly morning. I guess I'm the one to blame, considering I have been awkward and avoiding Jan ever since I got out of bed.  Right now Jan is on the couch sipping on some water staring at me, watching my every move. I am chopping away at some vegetables for a nice omelette I am going to be cooking for breakfast the only problem is I'm nervous. Obviously, I should be used to Jan's eyes trained on me but for some reason, it's just bugging me. I feel like I need to say something right now, but what? 

I decide to bring up a conversation as I am cooking the omelette in the pan. "So, Jan... Last night was weird... g-good of course just, weird... but don't think much about it okay?" Jan looks at me with a face that says, "The fuck!? I wasn't thinking anything about it! That's why you've been so fucking weird! HA, YOU'RE A FUCKING VIRGIN AT HEART I SWEAR!" and that's exactly what he says. I turn away in embarrassment. Jan really is insulting, I have no idea if he even acknowledges how insulting he is. "Hey, if you don't watch that omelette the only thing your gonna be eating for breakfast is this huge vampire dick!" Jan yells with no shame. My body is very hard to control so when I hear Jan say things like that it just arches automatically by its self; reflex, I guess.  I turn to grab a plate and when I turn back Jan is in front of me blocking my path to the stove. "What?" I ask Jan genuinely confused. "I just noticed this but, you smell different today," Jan says with a bit of confusion added to his appearance. I have no idea what Jan is talking about so I just give him my discomfort face and try to push past him. As always his stubborn as won't move. "Jan! Come on please get out of my way I need to get the omelette!" I snap out to him. He looks still confused but he steps aside. I flop the burnt omelette onto the plate. I look at it, examining it's burntness. It makes me angry, the fact that Jan has burnt my omelette because he wouldn't move.  Of course, I eat it anyways, and I let it slide.

I finish cleaning the kitchen after I have eaten my burnt omelette. For some reason ever since Jan smelt me with confusion he has been really weird. When I went to the bathroom he just awkwardly watched me enter and exit, and when I was eating he was awkwardly watching that too, same as when I was cleaning and honestly it's making me angry and annoyed. I give him a dirty look and storm off into the bedroom where I then shut the door. I crawl under the bed sheet and decide to just count sheep. Turns out counting sheep actually makes you sleepy, because it's literally only been a minute and I'm already about to pass out. Unfortunately, as always, somebody has to ruin it, Jan has to ruin it. I know he is in this room I can basically feel him lurking over me right now. "Jan go away!" I yell out from under the covers. I hear a loud gasp. "The fuck? How did you know I was there?!" Jan says in shock. I pull the covers off and look at Jan with a face the says "Is you dumb?" Seriously Jan has been acting weird all morning. First, he claims I smell weird, now he's wondering how I knew he was there? Like I think he has literally lost his mind. "Jan are you okay? Like you've been acting weird all morning." I ask Jan with sincereness to my voice. He shakes his head as if to gather his thoughts but is still confused. "You smell weird, your all weird. With your shit human senses, you shouldn't have been able to sense my presence in this room." Jan says as if he is literally trying to solve a crime. I ignore it now but in fact, a crime might just be what this is. Jan and I might have committed a crime. Jan is realizing this crime by the hour, each and every hour that passes Jan realizes it. 

As I'm getting ready to take my shower, Jan bursts in his eyes big and shocked. "What the fuck was that?!" He yells a bit fearful. "Jan! What is wrong with you?!" I ask angry and confused. "What's wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you! I heard something unreal! What was it?!" Jan yells now furious. For some reason Jan yelling at me, I begin to get really sad and I break out in tears. I slop on the floor crying my eyes out. Jan is taken aback by this and now feels guilty. He bends down beside me and begins to rub my back to calm me down but quickly removes it. I look up at his face to see him genuinely scared. "What the fuck... I... you have..." Jan is scared and I don't know why. What is it that's scaring Jan. Has he just finally lost his mind? Or is there really something wrong here?  "Jan, what's the matter?" I ask with a very worried tone.

Jan begins to speak, "I think that you might..." Before Jan can finish he stops. Fear is portrayed once again on his face. What is Jan afraid of!

[A/N] NOTE: What is Jan afraid of? I wish I knew... Maybe you passionate readers know? I guess we might just have to stay tuned. Also very sorry for my ghosting! I needed to take a little break cause I could not find any inspiration but I am back and better than ever! I have a lot planned for this book and all of my other books! Sorry this chapter is short but I can't expose to much yet!

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