Dog hunt

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It's not even morning when I am awoken from my sleep. I get out of bed to check what the noise was from down stairs of this little cabin we are staying at. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I see a ghoul is standing just inches away from me, watching me. My heart skips, I am frightened for my life. I slowly begin to move back up the stairs, the ghoul starts to follow and then I begin to run. I run into the room and slam the door. I jump onto the bed and land right on top of Jan. "Ugh! What the fuck man! You just fucking woke me up you stupid bitch." Jan is cursing and swearing but he hasn't noticed the ghoul already in our room, staring intensely at me. I begin to cry, mostly because of fear but also because I'm frustrated that Jan isn't doing anything about the ghoul. It begins to walk closer towards us and Jan is still complaining. There's only one way I can get him to realize. "And your still fucking on me! Like get off you fat bitch!" I grab hold of his hand and squeeze tightly and then I scream. I feel his hand tense in my clutch and then he sits up and holds me on his lap. "Get the fuck out of this room. I already told you if you touch her, I won't hesitate to kill you." I can feel Jan's deadly aura pouring off of him, it gives me goose bumps and a tingling spine. The ghoul takes a step back, it groans a little and then begins to exit the room. Jan gets up and follows it out the room. I continue to sit in the bed until he comes back. "I killed it." Is all he says before getting back into the bed and for the rest of the night I don't get any sleep.

Early in the morning we start to gear up and practice training in the forest. I never knew hunting down forest animals was training but, I guess it is for vampires. Jan is sitting on a small hill with me by his side at all times. He has two large guns in his hands and he's screaming all sorts of fowl language. "Fuck you pussy! You call that fucking hunting! You shit head move! You look like a dick with out testicles! Come on or I'll chop off your pussy and feed it to the deer! Eat the fucking rabbit! Eat it! Not don't try to catch a bird you dumb fuck!!!" It's almost as if he's a coach, but more vulgar. He seems to really be enjoying himself though. I'm getting a little thirsty so u reach into the bag full of snacks, water, clothes, guns and other "necessities" we needed. I grab a bottle of water and begin to drink. Begin to taste blood as it's flowing  down my throat. I look at the bottle and it's full of blood, I scream and chuck it. Jan quickly crouches down beside me. "The fuck happened?" I shake and I point at the half spilt bottle, and notice that there's water in it. "B-but there was blood in it..." I mumble with confusion and Jan grabs my hand and pulls me up on my feet. "Let's go for a little break." I nod my head and then he embraces my hips and we begin to walk. He takes me to a pond and we sit on the bench. He grabs my chin softly, and looks me in the eyes. "Your disturbed, your currently in a shock. You need to rest, so rest on me for a while." I nod and then fall across his lap. He pulls a piece of hair away from my cheek and tucks it behind my ear. (He doesn't love you architect girl) I quickly sit up at that oh familiar voice. "What?" Jan says with his hand on my back. "Alucard. It was Alucard." I tell him with a soft voice. I see him scrunch his fist, Alucard makes Jan really mad. "Why can't that fuck just leave you alone, leave us alone." I can really hear the frustration in Jan's voice. I grab his chin and then I move my lips upon his. He kisses me back, he kisses me with so much compassion. I feel my eyes watering, and then I feel a tear drop on my cheek. I look at Jan an I see his eyes are bleeding. "Jan y-your eyes... they are bleeding!" I lunge towards his face, my hands cupped around his face. Jan takes hold of both my hands and then stares at me with a soft smile on his face. "J-Jan?" I'm really confused, Jan never does this. "This is how a vampire cries. We cry blood. The blood I'm crying is your blood, your blood." He tells me this with such a soft voice, it's making my heart flutter. Jan brings one of his hands down towards my breasts and he holds it. "These are mine, and no other mans. Your whole body belongs to me and only me." Jan puts his face against my breasts and I feel my heart skip a beat. Jan makes me feel someway, a way I can't explain. I really love Jan and when I first met him in my room I was so scared of him, now look how things changed. Seems like so long ago. "Jan... I want you to drink me." I lift his face and press it against my neck. "I can't turn you... or maybe, since technically I'm not a fucking artificial vampire anymore cause I was reborn threw your blood. Fuck why haven't I realized this! I'm a real fucking vampire!" He shouts with happiness. "Before I bite you let me go find a virgin of opposite sex." He gets up and disappears. When he comes back he's holding a girl in his hands. She's bleed extremely and she looks dead. I notice her eyes turning a yellowish colour. She stands up and stares at us. I begin to feel jealous and angry, I wanted to be the first one and Jan is looking at her with amazement.

She turns and faces Jan, then she bows and begins to speak. "Master I will serve as your tool." I start to get even more angry, who does she think she is. I stand up and walk towards her. Jan is looking at me confused. I slap the girl across the face. Jan takes the girl and disappears again and when he reappears the girl is gone. "I killed her." For some reason hearing him say that makes me so happy. "I'm not going to turn you yet. Just wait a little longer." I sigh and then sit down on the bench again, I'm a little disappointed. I turn to Jan and hold out my wrists. "Then at least drink a little, for your strength." He smiles, grabs my hands and then bites my wrist. I gasp and my body arches, I feel tears escape my eyes.
Jan drink my blood, drink until you are pleased. Jan I want you, forever.
Jan stops drinking and stares at me, "I want you forever too." He smiles devilishly and then pats my head. Did he just read my mind?!

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