Teaser #2

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"I hope you know what this means for us. We may no longer have any time to prepare for the war. If that mutt and his cunt ass master finds out your turning and that you're pregnant with... with that! We are dead." Jan says while trying his best to wrap his head around our problem. 

I bet Alucard already knows about it. He's always watching, always listening. Jan's been building his army of ghouls but I doubt they can protect us for long. I need to get stronger and get Jan stronger. We need to get stronger to protect ourselves and our baby. "Jan, when do you think I'll have this baby?" at my words Jan closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in as he concentrates. "He grows fast... and... honestly, with the rate he's growing... you should have him in less than a month," Jan says with a tensed expression. I have to get stronger before his birth. Alucard can come at any moment to kill us all. "Listen, whatever your thinking... please promise me you won't do anything reckless." Jan pleads, desperate for me to stay out of the fight. "Jan, your an idiot. You mess up, make to many mistakes, scare me, hurt me... but even so... I love you and I will protect what I love." Jan looks very frustrated at my words and before he can rebuttal I quickly add "Nothing can hurt me more than losing you." Jan's eyes constrict for a brief second. My words have caught him a bit off guard. "But you haven't lived!" Jan furiously exclaims. "I'm alive right now! I'm living! I'm a newborn right?! So let's defend our family so that we can keep living." Jan seems conflicted, he already knows he isn't going to win this argument. "Then let's get you stronger." Is all he says before extending his hand out to me. 

I take Jan's hand.

We'll do this together.

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