Chapter 2 - The Journey

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*Picture Above, The St. Miriam school crest and logo*


"I can't believe I have to witnessed my little sister being lower down in a cold, dark hole." Catherine sobbed next to Larissa and the whole family.

It's a very sad day for everyone who attended the funeral service for Carmen Larove. One of the great leader and loving mother to all.

After the whole family and friends threw fresh red roses inside the grave, Larissa finally gave her little nod so that the guards to finally closed the grave.

Fleur didn't say anything during, before or after the funeral. She just sat by Carmen's casket trying to make the pain go away. But it only got worse.

She knew in her head that her Great Grandma Carmen was "old" but in her heart Carmen was as young as Fleur was and right up to the moment she had her Heart attack she was so full of life and never acted old.

Once they got home, everyone was not themselves. When they entered, they all looked up to Carmen and Larissa wedding photo that they took on that meaningful day, years ago.

It's the happiest day of their life and Larissa can't help to shed her tears again. "Mommy..." Hope called out to her mother and hugged her. "You need to take care of yourself. Alle joined shortly.

"I know sweethearts. I know." Larissa was grateful to have such caring and loving daughters. Fleur was walking up the grand staircase when her eyes landed on a portrait of her and her siblings on the day they were born.

She smiled when she looked at how proud her great grandmother holding her in the photo. "I miss you grandma. I really do." Fleur felt another stream of hot liquid coming out of her swollen eyes.

She was there when Carmen fainted. They were talking about her future when her grandmother collapse on her. "I promise, I'll do what you wish." She said before walking towards her room.

Ever since Carmen passed away, Fleur has felt like a weight is sitting on her chest. "Fleur? Can we come in?" Fleur wanted to say no and be left alone but she knew if she told her mothers no that they would only worry and then she would never have time alone.

"Ok." Was all she said. Emerson and Antonia walked in and sat on the bed while they watched their daughter pack her things in a suitcase and trying to avoid eye contact. "Fleur can you stop packing for a minute and so we can talk?"

Antonia said. Fleur turned around and faced her mothers. "Why? What more needs to be said? I told you I didn't want to go to this stupid boarding school anymore but you said I didn't have a choice. So now I am packing my things and leaving just like you wanted!"

By the end of her rant, Fleur was yelling and tears were threatening to fall. Antonia looked to Emerson.

"Fleur you know this was the one thing grandma Carmen really wanted for you. You were excited to go before Grandma passed. I can understand why you aren't excited to go but why don't you want to go at all? If you tell us your reasons for not wanting to go, maybe then we can talk about it and come up with a solution."

Fleur turned around and tried not to let her emotions take over but she failed. Fleur fell to the floor. Her whole body shaking as she cried. Antonia and Emerson held her as she cried. They gave her the time she needed. They were not going force her to speak before she was ready.

"Grandma was going to go with me. As the time to go to the school became closer, I told her that I was having second thoughts about going. I told her I didn't want to be away from her or the rest of my family for so long. She said we would talk everyday and I could tell her how my day went just like I did before she died. She said nothing would change that much."

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