Chapter 5 - Secrets Reveal 2

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Everyone's attention was on Arabelle and Reginald. Arabelle was furious. He shouldn't be rude towards her for she is a noble. "Relax. I'm going to be your husband soon enough."

Reginald try to leaned in again but didn't get any further when he felt his body being jerk away from Arabelle. "She said no." Fleur says when grabbed Reginald by the collar.

Natalie stared this with wide eyes. Where's Isabella when you need her! "Fleur! Why do you have to include yourself in such matter!" Natalie looked around, don't know what to do.

If she let her friend alone, she's going to be in trouble. But if she help, her whole family will be in trouble. Natalie sighed and went next to Fleur.

Reginald was speechless. He never thought a woman would dare to touched him without his consents. "Did you just touch me?" Reginald asked. Fleur kept a strong glared at him.

"Maybe. Maybe not."

Reginald fixes his uniform and went to meet Fleur eye to eye. Fleur almost towering him. "You're going to need a lot of pain meds when I'm done to you."

Natalie try pulling Fleur away but Fleur will
Not move even an inch. "Show me what you have pretty boy. With skinny arms like yours, I wonder what you can do."

"REGINALD!" The headmistress voice booming in the hallways. "You will not cause any harm or disturbance while you are here." The headmistress walked towards them followed by Isabella.

Reginald raised both hands up in the air and walked backwards. When he turned, Arabelle wasn't there anymore. He scoffed and waited for the headmistress. Fleur watched him go with rage.

"You shouldn't do that. He's an Archer. He's dangerous." Isabella says. Fleur ignored her friends warning. For her, the only important things is that no woman should be treated like an object by man like him.

"Do you hear me! Fleur! If you on his list, you're dead. We can't help you. We want to, but we can't. Our family working for his and Arabelle's. It will effect them all." Fleur turned to Isabella and Natalie.

"I know how to take care of myself. Geez you two. I'm not scared of them. Beside.." Fleur turned away and smirked.

"No one can do anything to me. Not even him."



A little girl shouted and jumped on sleepy Poppy. "What in the... GET OFF ME!" The little girl released the confuse teenager and pout her lips. "Poppy mean! I don't want to play with you anymore."

Poppy fixes her uniform and scoffed. "As if I'm going to play with you." Without warning, Isabella smacked Poppy's head hard. "Don't be rude to the countess!"

Fleur walked in with Natalie. The little girl looked at Fleur and smiled. "Lady Isabella, who is this." Isabella bow her head. "My countess, this is Fleur Larove. Our new student."

Isabella turned to Fleur. "Fleur, this is Countess Eleanor Ville, step daughter of our headmistress, and the sole heir to the Ville Family, one of the 10 appointed noble families in Europe."

Fleur bow because she think it's the most appropriate thing to do. Eleanor chuckled. "Is she the person who made Lord Archer mad." Isabella nodded. "This is the person my lady."

"It's a good thing what you did. He's useless anyways. Same like his parents. But, the useless is the most wealthy of them all." Poppy slammed her book on the table.

"Why are you here, in our dorm?" Eleanor smiled. "I have some letter from my sister, your betrothed to be." Eleanor handed a fancy looking letter to Poppy.

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