Chapter 14 - Officially Dating

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Antonia walked back and forth. When Arabelle found something decent to wear she went to meet Fleur's mother. Antonia stopped walking and offered Arabelle a seat. Antonia sat in front of Arabelle and looked at the nobility.

"Tea?" Antonia offered.

Arabelle nodded and took 2 sugar cube her her tea. "I don't like to stay behind the bushes. Let's get right to business. What are you doing? I mean as far as I know you both not dating am I right? Are you planning to hurt my kid?" Arabelle was shocked.

"I never plan to do that kind of thing to her." Antonia leaned in. "Listen here. I don't want my Fleur to hurt herself. I don't want anyone to shed any tears. Remember that." Arabelle nodded.

Emerson made herself visible and was surprised to see Arabelle. "Oh. Hello. Morning." Arabelle smiled. "You never mention we will have guest for breakfast." Arabelle was nervous that Antonia might opened her mouth and tell Emerson about what she witnessed.

"Everyone still asleep. And I saw her in the kitchen. I asked her to join us." Emerson smiled and sat next to her wife. "Well, join us indeed." Arabelle smiled. The maids walked in and placed a plate of waffles in front them.

"I didn't see you or Fleur last night. You missed the moment I gave the gold bars to the lucky guest." Arabelle look up. "Oh. Who won?" Emerson smiled. "Your father." Arabelle placed her cup down.

"Is this because.. oh Mrs Larove. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound needy." Emerson looked at Antonia and looked back at Arabelle. "What do you... wait. No. It's not like that. Don't worry. He deserved it. Your family needs it." Emerson smiled.

Arabelle thanked them and finished her food.


Fleur turned her body and started to feel her empty side. She opened her eyes and realise that Arabelle was no where to be found. She got up to a sitting position and looked under the duvet.

The memory from last night playing in her mind. She smiled and stretched herself out. She turned to the door when Arabelle entered. "Where did you go?" Fleur asked. Arabelle went to solar on the bed.

"Your mother walked in on me trying to grabbed your singlet on the floor. Your mother saw me naked." Fleur don't know how to react. She was holding her laughter at Arabelle's reaction.

"Then she said we need to talk and we did. She was scared I might hurt you." Fleur smiled. "Will you hurt me?" Arabelle shake her head. "No. Never." Fleur leaned in but Arabelle stopped her.

"Put something on before I can't control myself." Fleur laughed and stood up. Arabelle began to do the bed while Fleur inside the bathroom. "Fleur! I think we need to change the sheet." Arabelle say with amuse.

Fleur walked out and looked at Arabelle. "I'll ask the maids to change them. Come here." Arabelle went to Fleur and was lead to a glass door. Fleur opened it and Arabelle was mesmerised by the morning view.

Fleur slowly went to Arabelle's back and wrapped her arms around her. Arabelle lay back to Fleur's chest and enjoying Fleur's embrace. "Aren't those just the best view of the morning dew you ever seen." Arabelle nodded.

She closed her eyes and placed her hands on Fleur's. "I have the best time ever. All thanks to you." Fleur chuckled. "Arabelle.." Fleur says and pulled away from Arabelle. She went to kneel in front of the nobility and grabbed both hands.

"I don't want to be categorised as the person who only wants you for sex. I want to make us official. I know we haven't know each other for long but we can do that even better after we dating each other. Arabelle Weston, will you be my girlfriend?"

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