Chapter 7 - Declaring War

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Headmistress Ville was looking at Fleur from top to bottom. She received a very urgent call from her old friend saying one of her student was involved in an unavoidable situation.

"What have you done to one of the Archers? Or should I both of the Archers?"

Fleur smiled sheepishly at the headmistress. "I may threatened one of them. If I'm not mistaken." Headmistress Ville sighed and pinch the bridge of her nose.

"Do you know how serious this matter is?" Fleur slowly nodded. The headmistress shake her head and looked at the wall clock. "Your parents will be coming. For what I've been told, the Archers had called them and informed them that your family will be sued for this matter."

Fleur's eyes widen.

"What?! This is absurd! I didn't even do anything wrong! I was just protecting my Friends." The headmistress raised her head. Fleur settled down on her seat and sighed.

"Well, you threatened someone from nobility. This is a very serious matter, Miss Larove. Very very serious. Now that your parents is involved, God have mercy."

The headmistress leaned in and placed both elbow on the table.

"Fleur, threatening an Archer is a recipe for disaster. Whatever they did, you should just let them do it. It's not necessary to help and jeopardise your own status and good name."

Fleur looked up.

"Headmistress Ville, I was raised to help people around me. Whatever it takes to save everyone, I will do it. My great grandmother, my grandmother, my mother's, they all taught me to be a Larove. And a Larove never back down from helping people in need."

At this point, the headmistress were speechless. She remembered someone who has the same spirit as this young girl in front of her. Her own mother, Emerson. The headmistress smiled.

"You have the very same spirit like your mother. She's quite determine in her decision. But she's not daring like you. You're truly a Larove. Bold and brave."

The headmistress closed her book and sighed. "You may go. I will let you know about anything." Fleur nodded and excuse herself.

Fleur was walking back to the dorm when she was hit from behind. The blow came fast and was hard. She fell to the ground dazed.

She tried to roll over but someone kicked her in her side knocking the wind out of her. Fleur gasped for air as she was surrounded by a group of people all wearing masks.

They began hitting her and kicking her from head to toe. She could feel the sticky wet blood coming from her head. She couldn't speak. She couldn't move.

She couldn't defend herself. She wasn't sure how long the beating went on. She passed out before they were finished.

Meanwhile, Arabelle was going to the music department building when she heard someone moaned in pain. She gasped to see a figure laying face down on the dirty ground.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Arabelle said when she saw Fleur. "Its nothing." Fleur said trying to wave it off. "How can you say its nothing? Your eye is so swollen you cant even open it. Your lip is cut. There is still blood in your hair. Can you even walk?"

Fleur stood. "Of course I can walk." But the pain was too much and she began to fall backwards. Arabelle caught her and Fleur winced in pain. Arabelle lifted Fleur's shirt.

"I cant believe this! Did you see a doctor or even the nurse? Your entire abdomen is purple. What if you have internal bleeding or broken ribs?"

"Stop worrying. I'm fine."

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