Chapter 9 - Don't Test Me

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"Emerson, you have been on that phone all day. You need to relax. Lets sit and have a coffee before we head back." Emerson sighed. She knew Antonia was right. She needed to take a brake.

"Ok the phone is gone. Lets get some coffee." Emerson, Antonia, Colten and Azelna was talking when Emerson noticed the bodyguard sitting behind Antonia fall over to the floor.

She stood up just as they were attacked. Emerson was fight off 3 masked men while 3 other men held her family to the floor. Emerson make quick work of the 3 men. They now lay unconscious on the floor.

She then took out the 2 men holding down Azelna and Colten. When she turned to help Antonia she saw the other men beginning to get up. The man who hold Antonia down trace a very sharp knife on her face.

Emerson's blood boiled when she noticed Antonia flinched and saw blood flow down her neck.

"LET GO OF MY WIFE AND TELL THESE MEN TO BACK OFF OR I WILL PUT A BULLET IN YOUR HEAD!" Emerson yelled as she held a gun to the man's head. He drop his knife and slowly let go of Antonia then stood up.

They all began to run. Emerson shot one man in the leg. He fell screaming to the ground. Emerson walked over and stepped on his chest holding him down.

"You have a lot of explanation to do, young man." He struggling under Emerson's foot. "Mommy, are you okay?" Colten asked Antonia. Antonia nodded. "Go help mom." Azelna went to her mother side and help her up.

"Mommy. What just happen?" Antonia turned to her daughter and wipe her tears away. "Shhh.. it's okay.. it's okay.. don't cry. You're safe. Mommy will never let anything happen to you."

She hug Azelna and tell Emerson using her eyes to get the injured man away from their sight. "Colten, wake the guards up. And asked the store manager to gave us the security footage of what had happened."

"Mom, the police is outside." Emerson turned to the door and sighed when the police show up. "How convenient of them to show up, AFTER the raid. Go now. Don't let them know." Colten nodded and let go of the injured man.

"You with the gun, get off of him." The police ordered.

Emerson let go of her gun and held her hands up. Antonia noticed this and went to the police with Azelna. "What's the meaning of this? This man and his other accomplices decided to attack my family! Why are you arresting my wife?!"

"You look familiar to me." Was all the police says. Antonia can't believe what she's hearing right now. "OF COURSE I LOOK FAMILIAR, I AM ANTONIA LAROVE!" The police's expression changed. "Larove?"

Emerson smiled. Colten made his way back towards his family and nodded at his mother. "You can check my gun. It's registered.  He was hurting my family. I have to protect them." Emerson says as the police took the gun as evidence.

Emerson leaned in to his son. "You will not be surprise by who hired them all and who give them access to enter this cafe." Was all Colten says.


"I will not marry him! Do you understand this, father? I WILL NOT MARRY HIM!" Arabelle yelled. Jeffrey stood up and stared at his daughter's face.

"Friending those despicable family has turn you to against me! You're exactly like your brother!" Jeffrey yelled back at his daughter. "They didn't! You did it yourself. I told you, I don't want to marry him. He's not a good man for me father."

Jeffrey ignore his daughter's plea. "I will not let you be like your brother. I need a decent ancestry. I will not let you be with someone from a blasted family! If you still want to continue with these shenanigans, you will not have any part of the Weston Will!" Arabelle can't believe what she's hearing.

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