Chapter 3 - Welcome To St. Miriam

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Fleur's first few days of school were pretty uneventful. She went to class and met a lot of new people. By Wednesday, things became different.

She was walking down the path to go back to her dorm room when rotten eggs fell from the trees above and landed in her hair. The smell made her gag.

When she got back to the dorm, she grabbed her things and went to shower. She kept trying to think who would do this to her. She couldn't think of any reason for it.

She just brushed it off and didn't think more of it. Fleur was heading over to the common area where she liked to sit and catch up on text and other things she missed while she was in class.

But this time when she sat down it sounded like farted and everyone turned and looked. She looked under and saw the fart machine. She just shook her head and figured whoever put that there was not targeting her but anyone who decided to sit down.

On Thursday, all through class whenever the teacher would turn away, Fleur was hit by paper wads. This was obviously met for her.

She just picked the paper off and tried not to let it bother her. 'Maybe they will get bored and move on to someone else if I just ignore them.' She thought as yet another paper ball hit her.

By Friday things were out of control. her things began to go missing throughout the day. Fleur was getting frustrated but still she let it go.

That is until the last class of the day. Gym class. She was finally done for the day. All she had to do was go to locker room, shower, change and go lay down in her bed.

The shower was wonderful until she went to get dressed and found that everything was gone. She didn't have as much as a sock left. someone had taken everything. Fleur was furious!

It was one thing to play petty, harmless pranks but it was another to leave someone naked in an empty locker room. Fleur looked in every locker and in all of the closets but could not find anyone to help her.

She couldn't even find a towel to cover herself with. With her condition like this, she need something. Anything. Or people will say she's a freak. After 30 minutes of waiting to rescued, Fleur realized that nobody was coming.

She would have to run naked back to her room. So, she took off across campus, through the wooded area instead of the path and to her room. Before she could go even further, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her that sends her on her butt.

Fleur was looking at the Godly impossible beauty in front of her. The figure then noticed something a woman shouldn't have and quickly turned her head away. Fleur look down and closed her legs immediately.

"Here.. I'm sorry for what they did." The girl threw a silkiest robe she ever felt in her life and disappeared in the dark wooded area. Fleur stood up and try to find the figure. But she couldn't.

She put on the robe and walked towards her dorm with curiosity for the mysterious helper.


"Did you helped her, Arabelle?" She nodded and walked gracefully towards the luxurious veranda. Everyone who intentionally sitting around the vast green field looking up for the school 'princesses'.

Everybody afraid of their wrath. For their fear that they have the connections to destroys their family's future. But they can't help it. Their beauty was outstanding. Their beauty is somewhat perfection in their eyes.

But everyone eyes were on the platinum blonde girl who has the perfect curve body. She had slender eyebrows that was decorated with perfect tend eyelashes. She had shiny, halo-white teeth and jawline that was perfectly structure by God himself.

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