Chapter 6 - Horror

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"I can't believe we really will step our foot in this mansion." Poppy turned to Fleur. "No none nobles ever enter this mansion. This dorm is made speciality for those 'princesses'.

Fleur looked around. It's smaller than her mansion back in LA. But it's luxurious for sure. The arch, the marbles, the statue along the entrance. All screaming money and status.

They all stopped dead on their tracks when the front door opened. Francesca smiled. "You girls know the door is right here? Why standing there? Come on.." Francesca opened the door and let them walk in.

"Clementine is getting everything ready. Arabelle, well being herself, she's in the spa." Natalie looked at Francesca. "There's a spa here?" The noble nodded. "We need them. The stress sometimes overwhelms us."

Natalie chuckled. What kind of stress does these girls have? She thought to herself. "Follow me.." Francesca smiled and lead them all towards a huge room. "This is our entertainment room. Please wait here while I call for the others." Francesca excuse herself and disappeared by the door.

"Well. Now you can see how beautiful they look like in their own habitat." Isabella says and pointed at a portraits above the hanging flat screen.

Fleur was about to go and looked at the portraits when Arabelle appeared in the room with only her robe. "Oh. Your all here." Arabelle smiled. "Where's Francesca?" She asked.

"Calling for you and Clementine, my lady." Natalie says politely. Before Arabelle could say anything, Francesca and Clementine walked in. "Oh. Hey Arabelle. Why don't you put on some decent clothing before meeting the guest."

Francesca looked at Fleur who look at Arabelle from top to bottom. "Oh.. I'll be right back." Arabelle says and winked at Fleur. Fleur shake her head and turned to her friends.

"Why don't we have a little snacks while waiting for her shall we.." Francesca smiled and clapped her hands. Several maids walked in and placed a very delicious looking cuisine.

Everyone was gulping except for Fleur who just can't get Arabelle's image off her head.


Fleur, Isabella, Natalie, Poppy, Arabelle, Francesca and Clementine sat on the floor in circle. In the middle of the circle, they placed an empty bottle of apple cider as their 'wheel of fortune'.

"Let's have an American tradition sleepover must have, ghost stories." Francesca says as Clementine played a soundtrack of creepy music playlist on Spotify.

Arabelle grabbed the iPod from her friend and turn it off. She was never a fan of ghost stories since she was born. She hates it. She's not going to be scared of it just like that! "Don't.. Do.. That.." Arabelle says and kept the iPod away from her.

"Anyone have stories to share?" Francesca looked at everyone's face. Fleur look at everyone and none of them says anything. Fleur smiled and raised her hand. "Fleur.. please. Share it with us."

"Oh I have a few. My great grandmother was a fan of ghost stories and most of them based on true events and experience." Fleur cleared her throat.

"My story is about a little girl. A little girl was killed suddenly while waiting for a school bus by a speeding car. Since her death things have happened. The day of her funeral she started knocking on doors of the house she was born in."

Fleur chuckled when Poppy grabbed Natalie's arm.

"A month later as her clothes were to be removed the doors in the home flew open with no reason. Cold spots now can be felt and knocking at the door is still present to this day in the home." Fleur continued.

Book 6 - I Don't Date Nobles (GirlXGirl) (Futanari)Where stories live. Discover now