Chapter 10 - A Date To Remember

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Fleur was waiting patiently for her date outside of the mansion's entrance. She was nervous and scared at the same time. Her mind has been racing. Colten had left the car with his sister early this morning with a smirked on his face.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting long."

Fleur turned and was mesmerised by how beautiful Arabelle look like. Her usually tied up blonde hair was now flow freely. The floral pattern maxi dress looks so much better than the usual uniform she always wear and her face was absolutely perfection.


Arabelle chuckled and made her way towards stunned Fleur. She waved her hands in front of Fleur and realised she's not moving at all. Arabelle clapped her hands and then she began to blink.

"Where did you go?" Arabelle joked. Fleur smiled and invited her to the car. Like a gentlewoman she was, she opened the door for Arabelle and smiled. She jog towards the driver's side and entered.

"Since I'm not from this country, tell me where to go." Arabelle laughed. "If that's the case, I should be the one who drive." Fleur shake her head. "Just set it on the GPS. Today, you will be the queen."

Arabelle blushed by the sweetest word she ever heard from someone. Arabelle do as says and Fleur smiled. She followed the GPS and the drive lead her to the town. "I want to meet my brother." Fleur nodded.

They drive through the little town. Everyone around them turned their attention to the car that they hardly seen coming by. "Do you see that? Lewis Bakery? That's it." Fleur nodded.

Fleur stopped in front of the bakery. A man walked out look like he's taking out the trash. The man looked at the luxury car with confuse looks all over him. He knows his parents will never step foot in this kind of place. Except for....


Arabelle yelled and ran towards her brother. They both hugged and cry together. It's been so long for both of them. "Oh Lewis! Do you know how much I miss you!" Arabelle says and let go of her brother.

Fleur got out of the car and leaned in. She watched as Arabelle hugged her brother. She smiled at the sight. "Who's your friend, Belle?" Arabelle motioned for Fleur to go to her side.

"This is Fleur Larove. My friend, classmate and my date for today." Lewis's eyes widen. He never thought his sophisticated sisters will go to that part of social hierarchy. "Are you telling me you're...." Arabelle smiled.

"Well depends on what happen today. If she manage to, yes, I am."

"What's with all the noises?" Lewis's wife, Harriet asked her husband. "Oh my.. Arabelle?!" Arabelle waved at her sister in law. "It's been so long. How have you been?" Harriet asked and hugged her sister in law.

"I'm good. This is my friend/date, Fleur Larove." Suddenly Lewis clapped his hands, startling everyone around him. "YOU'RE A LAROVE! Such an honour to meet one." Lewis offered his hand.

But before Fleur could shake his hand, he pulled away and wipe it off using his apron. "I was just taking out the trash." Fleur grabbed his hand and shake it. "I don't mind, Lewis. It's nice to finally meet you."

Harriet offered them to come in their little bakery/house. Fleur asked if she can use the bathroom. Harriet smiled and showed her the way. Arabelle was brewing the tea when Lewis tap on her shoulder.

"Do you well aware of your current situation? You're telling me your going to go out with her. As in her. What if our father know about this?"

Arabelle smiled and continued to brewed the tea. "He knows. Well he guess. Do you know the Archers suing her family. It was Kenny's fault."

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