Chapter 4 - Secrets Reveal

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Fleur was sitting with her lab partner dissecting a frog. Well Fleur was dissecting a frog but her lab partner and all the other girls in the class just sat there unwilling to touch it.

"Now come on ladies. The frog wont hurt you. This will be part of your grade. Now pick up those knives and start cutting."

Their teacher turned and went back to pointing out the parts they should be seeing while most of the girls just sat there still unmoving.

Some gagged at the smell and one girl even fainted and knocked over the entire box of frogs that were for the following class.

The girls began screaming and running around as if they were being attacked by a giant, killer frog about to eat them instead of a few dead ones on the floor.

"Now ladies calm down and control yourselves right now." Their teacher tried to calm them but her voice was no match for the screams of a roomful of teenage girls.

Fleur continued to dissect her frog as if she were the only person in the room until she heard someone behind her calling for help in a panic voice and crying hysterically.

Something about it made her turn around. Arabelle was in the corner and trapped by the pile of frogs blocking her path. Fleur wanted to just roll her eyes and turn back to her frog but instead she walked over the path of frogs, picked Arabelle up and carried her out of the room and away from the offensive dead frogs.

Once they were out of the room, Fleur tried to put Arabelle down on her feet but Arabelle wouldn't let go of Fleur. She clung to Fleur like her life depended on it.

"You're safe now." Fleur says and immediately Arabelle let go of Fleur strong grip.


After the 'frog incident' rumours were spread and some of it just plain ridiculous.

Some says that Fleur and Arabelle dating each other after the little show they perform.

Some days Arabelle was friends with the Larove family and now that she's close to Fleur, every project that the Larove or the Lavilia have, will be given to the Weston.

But some says that Fleur was just using Arabelle to gain popularity.

Fleur tired of hearing such rumours going on. It's only been few months she's in this school and there's a lot of speculation regarding her status. Sometimes she hates to be in such place.

Arabelle on the other hand, was raised to control her anger. For a lady, anger management is a must. If a lady caught getting out of control, it will such a disgrace for a noble family.

It was meal time when Arabelle and her fellow noble friends walked in the dining hall. Like always, everyone's eyes were on them. But jealous girls often tried to commented on how snobs they act.

Some group of student were busy talking about their excitement for the annual dance. This dance were the only valid time for the boys from Columbus Institute to even step their foot on St. Miriam's ground.

"What's this ruckus about school dance?" Poopy swallow her food and cleared her throat.

"Basically it's like any other themed dance in America. With the boys and all. But, there's a twist." Natalie nodded.

"The senior often spiked the teachers drinks to make them fall asleep. So we, get to have a lot of fun. With boys." Isabella says as she sat next to Fleur.

"You mean sex?" Fleur asked. Isabella laughed.

"She's all penis and not vagina." Poppy says and earned herself a nudged from Natalie. Isabella shake her head. "You have a disease. Honestly. Who the fuck live so honest in her life."

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