Chapter 23 - The End

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Larissa walked slowly over to Arabelle and put her hand on her arm. Arabelle turned to look at her and smiled.

"May I have a few minutes alone with Carmen?" Arabelle stood up. "Of course. Where would you like to go."

"Lets go to my room. I'm not as strong as I once was. I would like to lay on the bed with her and have a talk."

Arabelle wondered what she would say to an infant. "Alright. Lead the way." Fleur helped Larissa to the room and on the bed as Arabelle followed with baby Carmen.

Larissa laid down against the pillow and then Arabelle put the baby in her arms also supported by the pillow. Fleur took out her phone and took a picture of Larissa smiling down at Carmen.

Carmen also had smile on her face as she looked at Larissa. Fleur looked at Arabelle and they turned and walked out.

"You are so adorable. You look like a Larove. I wanted to tell you about your Great great grandma Carmen. She would have loved you. She was the strongest and most loving person I have ever known. We had mostly good times but every one goes through trying times as well but no matter what, I knew it would all be ok because Carmen was always by my side. She was the love of my life. She use to have a talk with all of the new members of the family just like this. She asked me to continue her tradition. She never told me what she would say because it didn't matter what I said. It is a personal welcome to the family."

As Larissa felt tears in her eyes as she talked about Carmen. She missed her more then words could describe. Baby Carmen seemed to notice the sadness in her voice and began to coo back at Larissa as if to tell her it was ok.

"You give me comfort just like my Carmen did." Larissa smiled and closed her eyes. She always got tired so quickly now.

Arabelle looked at the time. Larissa had been up with the baby for almost an hour. Her breasts were starting to feel full so she knew Carmen would be hungry soon.

She decided to go check on them. She lightly knocked on the door before opening it. When she walked over to the bed, she saw both Larissa and the baby sleeping.

She picked Carmen up and was expecting some kind of movement from Larissa but she didn't move at all. She couldn't even see movement of her chest breathing.

Arabelle reached over to feel for a pulse. She waited but there was nothing. Larissa felt cold as well. Arabelle sat and began to cry. She knew she was going to have to tell everyone what had happened but she didn't want to be hysterical when she did.

She waited a few minutes to calm down and then she walked out to find Fleur. When Fleur saw her she could tell Arabelle had been crying. She walked over to her with concern on her face.

"Arabelle, what is wrong."

The tears began to flow again while she talked. "Grandma Larissa is gone." Fleur's eyes went wide. Joined Arabelle crying. Everyone gathered around as they noticed Fleur and Arabelle crying. Hope and Alle went up together to see Larissa first.

They cried together at the loss of their mother. "Oh Hope! We are orphans!" This made Hope laugh. "Why are you laughing?" Hope shook her head.

"Alle we are in our 70s and have grand children. We are not kids who lost their parents and have nobody to take care of us." Alle smiled. "We are still orphans."

Hope put her arm around her sister as they held Larissa's hand and said goodbye. "We had them for a long time. They will always be with us." Alle agreed.

"Its comforting to know they are back together again. It never seemed right seeing mom without daddy." They all came in to say goodbye and mourn their loss as a family.


Catherine was devastated. When she was call to say a few words about Larissa at the podium, she looked at everyone before smiling. "We all gather here today because someone decided to not gonna live another year or two." Catherine turned to the casket.

Everyone chuckled.

"What can I say about Larissa? Well, I met her in high school, trying out to be a cheerleader. Yes my grandkids, your great grandma here was a cheerleader and rather and exceptional one."

Catherine cleared her throat.

"A good, kind, amazing friend, who will never leave you alone. A great daughter, wife and mother to everyone. Honestly, no one can replace her. Not even Wonder Woman herself." Alle and Hope felt another stream of hot tears coming down.

"Even we have all the money in the world, we still can't save the person we love from death. Life and death is a lover. It's what will happen to all of us. Now, it's Larissa's time. Tomorrow, who knows, it will be mine or so."

Catherine pulled the mic from the stand and went to Larissa's casket. "We went through everything together. My parents death, her parents death, Christina's and of course, Carmen's. But now, she decided to go before me. And I'm older!"

Catherine chuckled and wiped her tears from her cheek. "Larissa' siblings, please come forward." Catherine says and let them see at Larissa's lifeless body for the last time.

When everyone gave their last respect to Larissa, Hope nodded to let the guys closed the casket. She wrapped her arms around Alle. "Till we meet again, mommy.." Hope says before letting her tears out for the first time.

"Till we meet again.." Alle sobbed and buried her head in Hope's neck.



This will be the end of the amazing Larove tale. (TRULY) lol.

It's amazing how everyone cry, get angry and even laugh while reading this. I love it when I make an impact to everyone.

I'll be releasing a new book. Stay tune.

Last but not least, thank you for reading this book.


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