Chapter 13 - The Night

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Fleur was getting ready when her siblings entered her room. "Fleur. Here." Colten placed a blazer on Fleur's bed. Azelna was limping her way towards Fleur's bed when Fleur walked out and helped her sister.

"You should just stay in the room. There's no need for you to be there." Azelna shake her head. "I have to Fleur. I'm a Larove. It's my own fault I'm like this." Azelna says. Colten then realise something.

"Why did you dye your hair blonde?" Fleur chuckled. "I was bored and my roommates decide that I probably look okay with blonde hair." Colten shake her head. He looked at his wrist watch and tap on it.

"It's time. Are you ready?" Fleur and Azelna nodded. "Come on. We have to greet the guest with mom." Colten helped her sister and went out followed by Fleur.

"Hey Fleur, what will mommy do to your love interest? I mean she's the person who choose all the dresses for the nobility." Fleur shrugged. "I told her I'm introducing her to our family tonight. She's nervous. That's all I know."

"Including them?" Colten pointed at the incoming helicopter. Fleur turned and sighed. "Including them. They're family. Even though, they are the most wanted criminal in America." Azelna chuckled.

"Well it's better for her to meet them here rather than at the family dinner." Azelna winked and they all went to their mother's.
"Here they are." Emerson says when she noticed her triplets made way towards her.

"What took you so long?" Antonia asked.

Colten pointed at the limping Azelna. "Oh. Well that's okay." Emerson says before some guest made way towards them. When Fleur turned to the door, she smiled when Larissa and Catherine walked in.

"Grandma! You're here." Colten was the first person to greeted her great-grandmother. "Where's my love?" Catherine joked and chuckled. "Azelna was limping towards Catherine and hug her. "What happen to you?" Catherine asked.

"Little accident."

Fleur was about to went to her grandmothers when she heard Francesca's voice behind her. When she turns, her only focus was on Arabelle.

The dress covers her shoulders almost fully and flows down into a modest cowl neckline. It's a close fit which highlights her breasts, but it does so in a refined and modest manner.

Her arms are completely uncovered. Which is a good thing too, her silky skin isn't something you want to cover up.

The dress' waist is wide, but it's a slim fit. A bow has been wrapped around her and rests gentle on her lower back.

Below the waist the dress fits snug around her and has a sarong style. The dress reaches all the way down to her feet and is the same length all around.

She's wearing platforms, gorgeous on their own, an ideal match in combination with the dress. To top it all off she's wearing a subtle necklace and small jeweled earrings.

"Wow." Was all Fleur could say. Arabelle went down the stairs where Fleur was waiting and offered her hands to assist her. Arabelle smiled and took her hands. "Such gentlewoman." Arabelle smiled.

She remembered something and leaned in. "Let's meet my great-grandmother." Fleur didn't wait for Arabelle to answer when she dragged her towards Larissa. "Grandma Larissa, meet Arabelle Weston, my special friend."

Larissa raised both eyebrows. "Special friend?" Larissa says and turned to Catherine. Arabelle smiled and shake Larissa' hand. "Nice finally meeting you, Mrs Larove." Larissa patted her hands.

"Pleasures all mine."

Fleur turned to the door and saw her grandmother's walked in as well. "Perfect timing." Fleur waved for her grandmother's. Allesandra and Hazel smiled at them.

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