Chapter 15 - Heartbreak

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Fleur was just studying at the library when Amelia and her group of friends came to her table and smiled at Fleur. Fleur smiled back because she thought Amelia was being nice.

"Make sure no one near us." Amelia says to her friends. She sat in front of Fleur and smiled. "Hello miss Larove." Fleur looked up and nodded. Amelia closed Fleur's book and smiled. "We need to talk."

Fleur closed her pen lid and waved for Amelia to continued. Amelia looked around. "What is your real purpose dating my Arabelle?" Fleur raised both eyebrows. "Your Arabelle? The last time I check, she's my girlfriend."

Amelia scoffed. "Liar! She promise she will remain loyal to me." Fleur chuckled. The librarian hushed her. "You broke that loyalty yourself when you decided to do some illegal processing in the seniors dorms. Now if you will excuse me, I have a date with my girlfriend."

Fleur stood up and clean up her things from the table. Amelia grabbed Fleur's hand and squeezed hard. "You hurt her, ill make sure I'll be dancing on your corpse." Amelia released Fleur and watched her go.

Fleur was weirded up by the encounter. She ignore it and focus on the task at hands. The studying for the coming test. Her mother's had warned her not to fail any subject or they will send her to a week of no vacation with her great grandma Larissa.

Fleur loves her grandmother but listening to Larissa nagging and lecturing about life's worth is not something she can handle. Azelna told her everything when she failed her math test. It's torture. Real torture.

That's what they get for having an ex principal as your great grandmother. She was walking towards the garden when she noticed Arabelle was sitting on a picnic blanket.

"Hey." Arabelle turned back.

"What took you so long?" Fleur chuckled. "Your friend, Amelia gave me a warning. That's what took me so long." Fleur sat next to her girlfriend and place her backpack at the other side of the blanket.

"Im hungry. Do you have anything decent to eat in that basket." Arabelle chuckled. She reached for the basket and gave Fleur a burger and a soda can. Fleur thanked her and began to eat her food.

"Fleur. What did Amelia says?" Arabelle asked.

"Nothing much. She said if I hurt you she will kill me." Fleur says with her mouth full. Arabelle raised one of her eyebrows, telling Fleur it's rude to speak with her mouth full. Fleur noticed what she did wrong and gulping the food down.

She apologised. "Don't do it again." Fleur nodded. "What did you say?" This time Fleur waited to chew her food and swallow. "I didn't say anything. I just walk away from her. We're at the library."

Arabelle nodded and looked at the beautiful man-made garden. Fleur touched her girlfriend's shoulder. "How about tonight I'll stay in your room and have a little fun since Poppy is chasing me out."

Arabelle know where this is going. "What do you mean she's chasing you out? Where will Natalie go?" Fleur smiled. "Natalie will be going to Isabella's room. While I will go to yours." Arabelle turned to Fleur.

"And what do you suggest that fun activity might be?" Fleur laughed and winked.

"Oh you will know.."


Jeffrey looked at the luxurious metal briefcase and still can't believe the Larove 'choose' him as the lucky winner. It's suspicious. Too suspicious. Without him noticing, his wife entered with a glass of hot tea.

"Jeffrey, if you continue to look at the briefcase like that, it won't disappear." His wife joked. "And you have a letter. It just came." His wife placed an envelope in front of him. Jeffrey thanked her and opened the letter.

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