Chapter 16 - Our Love

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Antonia smiled at Emerson when she walked in their room. "How was she?" Antonia shake her head. Emerson placed her book down and took off her glasses. "What should we do? Go back to America?"

Antonia shake her head. "That will only bring more sadness to her. We will fight back. I can smell something fishy going on Ems. I never dream of Jeffrey will have the heart to do all this."

"What are you suggesting, Nia?"

"I'm suggesting this might be the work of Keith and his son." Emerson think of her wife's words. "And why would you think like that?" Antonia sat next to her wife. "Ems, that's the only reason this all happen. I had a very long talk with Jeffrey's wife."

Emerson sighed. With the court case at hands and now Arabelle being lock away, she doesn't know what to do anymore. "What should we do now?" Emerson asked.

"What we plan earlier. Bring the Archers down. Let them beg, kneel, cry in front of us. No one messes with my daughter and gets away with it." Emerson laughed and pinned her wife down on the bed.

"I like this side of you Nia. It's so... energetic, so mean.. so.. strong." Emerson leans in but Antonia rolled them so that she's on top of Emerson. "Hold on tiger. It's my turn to 'torture' you."

Nia was leaning in when Emerson's phone vibrated. Nia reached for it and answer it. "What?" She says while grinding Emerson's crotch. Nia listened to the person on the other line. Emerson was having to much fun watching her wife moving her hips.

"Fine. We will meet tomorrow at the Larove Villa. Au revoir."

Antonia hang up and focus on her wife. "Do you know who just called?" Antonia whispered. Emerson shake her head lightly. "The person who will make us win the case." Nia says and began to nibbled on Emerson's ear.

"Good. They want to play dirty, we will play dirtier." Emerson whispered.


Fleur looked at the time and sighed when it's already morning. She didn't even get to have a decent sleep. She's worried, she wondering, and missed her beloved girlfriend. She wondered how such father do such thing to his own daughter.

Fleur stood up from the bed and went to have a shower. She wants to meet Francesca and Clementine today. She want to know what is going on with Arabelle. She can't sleep properly knowing her girlfriend is not happy.

After getting herself ready, she went to the dining room where her mother's, Catherine and Larissa was having their breakfast. Everyone greeted her but she gave them a smile. A very unconvincing smile.

"Little Fleur, calm down. I know your parents will do something about it. Right, Emerson?" Larissa asked. Emerson swallow her food and nodded. Fleur looked up to her parents. "I'm not asking much." Antonia looked at her daughter.

"I want you to show what we capable of doing. I know, grandma Carmen will agree with me. Let's use our power mom." Antonia stopped Emerson from talking. "What do you suggest we do, honey." Antonia need to listen from her own mouth.

"End them! End their life. End their power. End everything!" Antonia raised her hands. Fleur just realised what she just said. "That's enough. We heard enough." Antonia looked at Catherine.

"As the oldest member of this family, what do you suggest we do, grandma Catherine." Catherine smiled and wipe the smudge on her mouth.

"Well. I've been living as a Larove all my life. I've seen everything. The cruelty of this world, the good side of it, and also the bad side of being a Larove. I agree with Fleur. Show them what we can do. Carmen was a very smart woman. There's a reason why she spread the Larove's wings all over the world. Use them for your advantage. Since Hope and Allesandra, gave you the CEO title Emerson."

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