Chapter 19 - I Had Enough

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"You shoot my wife, I'll cut off your penis!" Rish says when she noticed one of the man aiming his gun at Kelly. She smiled and grabbed the gun from him.

"Kelly, that's enough." Rish call out. Kelly heard her wife's voice and stopped moving her swords towards a guy. The guy released a relieve sigh and rubbed his chest. Kelly turned to her wife.

Rish messing up her own hair and walked towards her wife. She smiled seeing Kelly's bloody shirt and pants. "I trained you good baby." Slowly rish reached out for the bayonets.

Kelly released it and hugged her wife. "Don't leave me. Next time follow what I say." Rish nodded and hugged her wife back. They pulled away when Emerson clearing her throat. They looked at Emerson and Antonia on gun point.

"You all do realised my wife here is a very dangerous woman. What if I release her again?" Rish asked. Kelly turned and everyone freeze when they made eye contact with a woman who killed their boss.

"Don't make a woman on her period angry guys. It's not going to be pretty. Look around." Rish warned. "If I'm you, I'll listen to what she's saying. She knows her wife better than any of us. She seen worst."

Emerson says. "And trust me, this is not the worst she can do." Antonia added. They all looked at each other and the rest of the dead bodies around them. They decided to let their guards down and surrender to Rish.

"Good." Rish smirked.

She turned to Kelly and began to kissed her tenderly. Her hands made ways inside her shirt and they kept on fighting who's dominant. Kelly let Rish win and was enjoying the attention she was receiving when Emerson once again, clear her throat.

They both pulled away and smiled. "Excuse the obscene. We miss one another." Emerson shake her head.

"We're going home. This has been a very loud and non relaxing dinner for us." Emerson stood up and offered her hands to her wife. "Come on babe."

Emerson smiled.


Fleur fell onto her bed feeling exhausted. She had spend the whole day in school and then most of the night searching for Arabelle.

She had been furious when she found out Jeffery had come and forced Arabelle and her mother out of Lewis' home. Now she has no idea where they are. Fleur had spent the whole summer months looking and was hoping that come the new school sessions Arabelle would return.

However it was 5 weeks into the new school year and Arabelle had not come. Fleur felt constantly sick and tired. Her head constantly hurt and nothing calmed her stomach but she didn't care. All that mattered was finding Arabelle.

She wouldn't even waste time sitting in class when she could be looking but she still wanted to honor Her great grandmother's wishes. So she slit the day between school and searching.


"And as the princess reached the castle, she knew she was safe." Arabelle sat at the window reading to her baby. It was the only thing that kept her from going insane.

"The princess walked into..." Arabelle stopped with a gasp as she felt her baby kicking for the first time.

"Well hello there my little one."

Arabelle smiled for the first time in months. She let the tears fall from her eyes as she rubbed the spot her baby had just kicked. She felt a little happiness feeling her baby for the first time but also sad because Fleur wasn't there to share the moment with her.


Jeffrey knocked on her daughter's door and sighed when Arabelle didn't answer him. His wife looked at him. "You don't have to knock on her door. You don't even care. You made her cry, you didn't care about what she wants and all she wants is Fleur. But did you listened? NO!"

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