Chapter 12 - Country Side

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Fleur watched as Arabelle and her friends talking animatedly for hours. They were on their way towards the Larove country side 'home'. It's been 2 hours and yet, there's only forest and another stretch of long road ahead.

Fleur was enjoying this little road trip. She get to hear Arabelle's melodious voice for hours. The way she talk, the way her eyes would looked at Fleur for a brief of time. It's magical. It was when the driver suddenly stop, Fleur turned to the windows and look around.

"Are we there?" Fleur says and knocked on the divider. "Are we there?" She asked the driver. "Yes ma'am." Fleur was not convince. She asked the girls to stay inside while she look around.

"This is not the villa." Fleur says when she turned, her eyes widen when a group of guys surrounded her. "What the.." the driver was being paid by a familiar man. "You.." Fleur says through gritted teeth.

Reginald smiled.

"Where are you bringing my fiancée? You have no right." Arabelle and her two best friends went out and was shocked. "Reginald! What are you doing!" Arabelle yelled.

"I'm getting what is mine." Reginald says and nodded at his friends. They all smirked and surrounded Fleur. "REGINALD!" Francesca grabbed Arabelle by the arm and pulled her back.

"But Fleur.." Francesca didn't say anything but keep Arabelle behind her.

Fleur let her jacket down and looked at each of the guys face. She was getting herself ready for any type of punches and kicks. The first guy that tried to attack her ended up knocked out on the ground.

Fleur kneel and punch his chest to make sure he will stay down. Fleur stood up and looked at them. She was inviting them to come forward. "Hit me with your best shot. I'm not in the school ground anymore. HIT ME NOW!"

Right after she says that, two guys were running towards her. Both balling up their fist but Fleur manage to avoided them and using her elbow to make them both fall face first. Her hands were on one of their head while her foot on the other guys head to control him.

She twisted his neck and stepped on the other guys neck. Fleur stood up again and smirked. "Is that the best you got?" The last 2 guys looked at each other and decided not to attack her.

Reginald scoffed and went forward. Fleur looked at him. "So the prince decide to came forward?" Reginald smirked. "Ive investigate about your family Fleur. The big bad Carmen. She's dead am I right? In front of you."

Fleur ignore him. She knows he's trying to use psychological tactics on her. "What will you do if I took Arabelle away. You can't give her the ultimate happiness like I can, whore." Fleur relaxed herself.

"You're probably right. But I can always give her my heart and that's enough for her to know that I deeply in love with her. So you and your little weakling army should go before I decided to call for my parents."

Reginald smiled. "Call them. I'm not scared of your mothers. Family like yours should be burn alive. Such abomination to the world. Disgusting types of people who practice taboo lifestyle."

"At least my kind of family took in and took care of the woman who was left alone while men like you used them as sex slave. At least family like mine exist to fight for those who can't speak!"

A black limousine suddenly appeared. Colten got out and went to Fleur's side. "You better go before I call the police on you. NOW!" Colten warned him. Reginald scoffed and nodded at his friends.

"Are you okay, sister?" Colten asked when Reginald and the others go away. Fleur nodded. "How did you find me?" Colten sighed in relief. "Every limousine that mom rented have their own kind of GPS tracking device. Azelna was worried because we arrived at the villa but you didn't."

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