Chapter 8 - Little Did They Know

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Arabelle grabbed the picnic basket she had prepared and headed to Fleur's room. She gave a nervous knock on the door although she couldn't figure out why she was so nervous.

She shook the feeling as Fleur answered the door. ""Hey Fleur. I was wondering if you would like to join me for a picnic." Arabelle said as she held up the basket. Fleur nodded.

"Sure." Was Fleur's reply. She still was not sure what to make of Arabelle but maybe she was about to find out.

"This looks like a good spot." Arabelle said. She set down the basket and pulled a blanket from the top of it. Fleur grabbed the other end of the blanket and together they put it down on the ground.

Arabelle pulled out the food as they fell into comfortable conversation. Arabelle asked about Fleur's family and about her choice to come to the boarding school. Fleur answered each question as Arabelle asked.

As they sat Fleur began to realize that Arabelle wasn't the snob she figure all the girls were at the school. Fleur liked talking to Arabelle. Arabelle didn't make everything about herself but made it about Fleur.

She wanted to get to know her. Fleur was finding that she wanted to know everything about Arabelle.

"Your great grandmother sounds like an amazing women." Fleur nodded. "She was. I miss her." Arabelle moved over so she was sitting right next to Fleur. "Are you happy here?"

Arabelle asked. "I think I'm starting to be." Fleur said in a hushed voice as they both leaned in closer. It came so easy and yet it was such a surprise.

The passion they were feeling just from the anticipation of the kiss was almost overwhelming. Their lips just barely touched when Fleur heard someone call her name.

At first she ignored it but the voices came closer. Arabelle smiled. "It sounds like someone is trying to find you." Fleur turned just as Colten and Azelna tackled her in excitement. "FLEUR! WE HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Azelna screamed.

Arabelle smiled and wondered how much they had saw. She watched as Fleur hugged her siblings. "Colten, Azelna this is Arabelle Weston." Arabella smiled and held her hand out to meet them.

"Weston? As in Jeffrey Weston?" Azelna asked. Arabelle nodded. "That's my father." Arabelle smiled. How did they know her father's name? It's so confusing for Arabelle.

"Its very nice to meet you both." They all talked a bit and then Colten held up his phone. "We are being summoned to our mothers. We better not keep them waiting."

Fleur shook her head. "How angry are they?" Fleur asked. "We cant tell. It was mostly quiet for the ride over." Fleur sighed. "That cant be good." When Fleur finally stood up, Colten can see how bruise up her body was.

"What happen to you?" Colten asked.


Arabelle decided to followed Fleur meeting her parents. Well, she was mostly being force by Azelna. "Come on. It will be fun. You scan meet our parents and introduce yourself as Fleur's girlfriend.

Fleur grabbed her sister and shut her mouth with her hands. "Shut up Azelna." Azelna was struggling under her arms and finally release her when Colten stared at them both.

"I'm sorry my lady. My sisters can be quite rude to you." Arabelle just smiled. "It's okay Mr Larove." Colten leaned in to his sisters and patted their shoulder. "Don't embarrass yourself." He whispered.

Colten then looked around the school area and sighed. "My lady. Can you show us the way to the headmistress office?" Azelna can't contain her laughter anymore.

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