Chapter 21 - The Moment

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Fleur felt weak. She never knew that a simple wound could make her feel this bad. She looked around her ward and sighed. She placed her hands on her head and think about Arabelle next door.

She heard a knocked and turned to the door. Its Arabelle on the wheelchair, being push in by her mom. Fleur try to get up but Arabelle forbid her from moving too much. Mrs Weston excuse herself and leave the two alone.

"How are you feeling?" Arabelle asked.

"I have no idea. What about you?" Arabelle smiled and placed her hands on Fleur's. "I'm going home today. Finally. But I have to be careful." Fleur rubbed Arabelle's hands with her thumb. "I'll miss you." Fleur says as she looked into Arabelle's eyes.

"Take care of our baby okay.. I don't know when will I be out of this hell hole. Can you stand?" Arabelle nodded. "Lay down next to me. Please.." Arabelle stood up from the wheel chair and sat on Fleur's bed. Fleur struggling to make some room for Arabelle.

Arabelle lay down and immediately Fleur wrapped her arms around Arabelle. One of her hands rubbing her belly while the other under her head. Arabelle placed her head on Fleur's chest, carefully not to cause any pain for her.

"Take good care of yourself and our kid okay? I promise I will be with you as soon as I can. I will not leave you and letting you go ever again. Not anymore." Those words bring tears to Arabelle. Fleur tightened her hug on her girlfriend.

"Shhhh. Don't cry.. okay?" Arabelle gave Fleur a simple nod.

"Belle, we never talk about names." Arabelle chuckled. "Names? I thought we will just go with the flow." Fleur chuckled and shake her head. "What if it's a boy?" Arabelle asked.

"I don't know. What do you have in mind?" Fleur asked.

"For me, if it's a boy, Aiden. And if it's a girl, Carmen. I remembered you mentioned it before. You want your first daugther to be named after your great grandmother." Fleur kissed Arabelle's head.

"You remembered." Fleur smiled.

"I don't have to tell you what I have in mind. You just read it. But for me, if we have a boy, the name I choose was Zachariah." They both heard a knock and turned to the door. It was the twins. They were about to go when Arabelle stopped them.

"I'm about to go as well." Arabelle looked at Fleur's orbs and smiled. "I'll promise I'll take care of our baby. But you have to be there for the birth. Promise me that.." Fleur nodded.

"I promise."

Arabelle leaned in and kissed Fleur passionately. When Arabelle pulled away, she noticed Fleur's tears ran down her cheek. Arabelle wiped it off and turned to the twins. "Can you please help me up." Arabelle chuckled.

Colten nodded and helped his future sister in law up. Arabelle thanked him and grabbed Fleur's hands and kiss it. "Take care." Fleur nodded. "Azelna, help her." Colten says and Azelna wheel Arabelle out of the ward room.

When Azelna closed the door, Colten sat on the chair next to Fleur's bed and smiled at his sister. "I wish my girlfriend is here. I want to kiss her too." Fleur shake her head. "Where's Jeremy? I thought mom asked him to go wherever you go."

"He's waiting outside." Fleur lifted her hands. "I want to sit. Pleas help me." Colten stood up and helped his sister. "Colten. I have a favour to ask." Her brother looked at her face when he was seated.

"What is it little sister?"

Fleur smiled. "Remind mommy to buy some baby essential for my kid. I told her but I don't want her to forget. She's very forgetful nowadays." Colten laughed.

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