Chapter 22 - Life Goes on

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* A Month Later*

"Happy 1 Month, Carmen!!!" Everyone shouted and clapped when Arabelle blew the candle on top of the cake. Everyone was having such a happy day. That includes Jeffrey who seems to can't let go of Carmen.

Reality hits him like a brick when he saw how strong his daughter was delivering such a beautiful baby to the world. Everything seems to fall on place now that Fleur was healthy again.

Who knows a little baby could save her life like that. That's why they choose the perfect middle name for their little daugther. Carmen Saviour Larove. For she was the saviour for Fleur's life.

Larissa, using her walking stick and with the help of Hope, she cling her glasses to get everyone's attention. "It's okay Hope." Hope nodded and kissed her mother on the cheek. Larissa looked at everyone and smiled.

"Thank you... for making some time to join us, in welcoming my great great granddaughter, Carmen Larove." Fleur sneaked in and wrapped her arms around Arabelle's shoulder.

"Where did you go?" Arabelle whispered.

"Sorry. I had to pee." Fleur kissed her cheek and looked at Larissa. Larissa cleared her throat as Fleur gave her a sheepishly smile. "As I was saying, thank you. For the love and care you all show to my little family."

Larissa turned to her daughter's. "I'm sure, late Carmen is all smiling looking at how well we are after her death. I miss her, we all do, but we let that became our will to live. Who can forget her striking voice, how she protected each and everyone of you till you all this successful."

Hope wiped her tears.

"Looking at our littlest member, I'm sure she will do great things like the person who owns the name before her. I'll pray for her future as well as her health. I'm proud of her already." Larissa turned to Fleur and Arabelle.

"It's your last year. Do your best, beat the rest. Show them what you made off. Once you pass with flying colours, you can do anything that you want. Even owning your own business, helping the society, or just helping unfortunate people. Either way, you will be carrying the Larove name." Larissa smiled at Arabelle.

"I'm sure you will love to be one." Larissa chuckled. She reached out to Allesandra and nodded. Alle gave her an envelope and watched as her mother went to Arabelle. "A little token from me and Catherine." Larissa smiled.

Catherine smiled at Larissa. Larissa caressed the little baby's head and smiled lovingly when the baby respond to her great great grandmother's touch. "You are Carmen indeed." Everyone chuckled.

"Fleur, tell your mother's, I need to talk to them." Fleur nodded and went to get her parents. Hope helped her mother towards one of the study while Allesandra lead her aunt Catherine.

They were seated when Emerson and her wife walked in. Catherine asked Allesandra to closed the door to keep the others away from hearing what they want to discuss. "Do you know why you're here?" Larissa asked. Emerson shake her head before turning to her mother.

"You are well aware of our partnership with the Christ. Do you think your kids will be able to handle it like you did?" Catherine asked. Emerson turned to her wife who nods.

"My son, Colten is ready. We trained them all to be ready for anything." Antonia support her wife's answer by nodding.

"How will they react when they know we're actually gaining our riches by forcing Rish, the current head of the Christ crime family to pay several millions each 6 months? How will they react when they know that we, used force to be where we are now?" Cathrine asked, keeping such intense eye contact with Emerson.

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