Chapter 17 - The Larove's Legacy

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"For years, The Larove Empire has been the leading company in a couple of major line of business. Such as, our Larove Banks, Larove Lands and Real Estate, i-Larove communication, Lavilia Airlines and of course, Fort Larove Construction."

Emerson turned the pages of her speech paper. Everyone in the hall never thought that a company lead by a woman could have so many business branches that was actually successful. Keith scoffed when Emerson mention their achievement.

"We, the Larove family would like to take this opportunity to inform everyone that every branches of our Larove Banks around the world, will be introducing the new most sophisticated and hi-tech online banking ever created. The power of financial banking will be just at the reach of your fingertips."

The crowd clapped their hands.

"Not only that, both Larove Lands and Fort Larove Construction will be developing some of the worlds most undeveloped places and will build the world first affordable 4 or 5 stars resorts, spa and getaway. Now we all could have those luxurious vacation we all dream off. And also opening large job opportunities."

Again the crowd clapped. Keith scoffed. Jeffrey was actually paying attention.

"For the last part of this awfully long speech, we would like to take this opportunity to inform the whole world that i-Larove communication will be releasing a new line of affordable smartphones that will be in the level as the world most expensive smartphones."

The crowd clapped. Emerson folded the paper. "Here, for the very first time, lets welcome the new age of smartphone technology, the Larovia." Emerson waved and went to her wife.

The LCD started to played a video introducing the new line of smartphone. Fleur doesn't get at which part of this whole event that will get her girlfriend back. It's like any other business event.

Fleur sighed. Hope noticed it and touched her shoulder. "Your mother is a very smart woman. She's know what she's doing. In few minutes, Nia will have her speech. Listen carefully. Okay?" Hope smiled.

Fleur nodded.

After the emcee introducing Antonia tonne on stage, Hope patted Fleur's thigh.

"Good evening and welcome to this little event. After my wife introducing what's new in our company, I would like to tell a little story about the humanitarian side of the Larove/Lavilia organisation."

Nia cleared her throat.

"For these past few year, I, together with a couple of leading health organisation was on a mission to provide health care in some of the troubled state country. We, invested more than $20 million to help, to cure and to provide the very best form of healthcare for those who in need."

Antonia turned the page.

"To decreased the amount of poverty, we, the Larove and Lavilia organisation, build a centre for those who in need any kind of help. Financial, life insurance, job hunting, and even schools for those who can't afford to have any type of education. Last year, we have more than 100,000 graduates just in America."

The crowd clapped. Antonia turned the page again.

"Lastly, for ending world hunger, we, together with major organisation such as the Christ and the Billions, together donated huge amount of money to at least ease the problem. Our goal for the future, to completely end them and let everyone, poor, rich, elites or just a commoner, to have a sense of helping those who in need."

Antonia looked up and smiled. "Thank you and have a nice night. Enjoy."

Antonia end her speech and waved. The crowd clapped. Keith leaned in to Jeffrey. "Those are all lies." Keith scoffed. "All they think about is shopping. I'll guaranteed you that." Jeffrey shake his head.

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