Chapter 1 - Love Till' Death

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I was in the bedroom when I hear Fleur yelling. "HELP ME!" My heart stopped. All morning I had a feeling of dread. Like something was going to happen but I didn't know what.

I had been keeping myself busy trying to shake the feeling off. I kept telling myself I must have had a bad dream that was lingering but I knew that wasn't the truth.

Before I even made it down to Fleur and Carmen, I knew what I would be walking into. Ever since I met Carmen, we have had a connection that neither one of us can describe.

It was like I could always feel her arms around me keeping me safe even when we were apart. But in this moment I couldn't feel her. Carmen's strong, caring arms were letting go. "Fleur what happened?" I asked as I came into the living room.

Carmen was on the floor and unresponsive. Fleur was yelling to her, trying to wake her. "We were just talking and I went to get my bag. When I came back she was on the floor and I couldn't wake her up."

Fleur began to sob. She had always had a special relationship to Carmen. They had a bond unlike our other great grandchildren. She was here almost everyday after school just to tell Carmen about her day.

The ambulance was there within minutes. They hooked Carmen to the monitors and we headed to the hospital. I knew I needed to call Hope and Alle.

So many people needed to know but as I sat in the waiting room, I couldn't bring myself to make those calls. Instead I sat hugging Fleur and trying to find the connection I felt slipping away. I thought back to the time I first felt it.



I'm touching her hand! I feel speechless at first but then it passes and I actually want her to do more to me. Damn this dirty thinking! She led me to series of pathway and amazing scenery.

All the flowers, the shrubs, it's all perfectly tend probably by her hired gardeners. We walked passed a mini fountain where the most amazing and beautiful statue I ever seen was the main decoration of the fountain.

She looked a lot like one of the twins. I looked closely and I noticed a name plate on the bottom. 'Cassandra Larove' Wow, this magnificent beauty was her older sister.

I was gawking at it when Carmen splashed me with the water from the fountain, making my sweatpants wet in the process. "Why did you do that? You know I have no extra pants right," she smirked. "You can use mine," she said and sits at the bench nearby.

She patted the space next to her and I sit next to her. "This is my private sanctuary. The place where I can ease my mind," she started. She took a deep breath and I followed her.

Immediately, I smell the scent of roses invading my nostril and I feel really at peace. "Wow .... This is peaceful. It's good to not worrying about something for a change," I blurted out.

This is so not me talking. Damn those roses! "What do you worrying about?" I sighed. I know she will ask me this question sooner or later. "It's fine if you don't want to talk about it," she said. I feel guilty.

I smiled. "It's ok. I'm worried what will my sisters eat for dinner or breakfast. I'm worried about my mother's condition. I'm worried about everything." I said like it's a normal thing.

"Did you ever think about yourself for a change?" well, now that someone asked me that, I really don't know what to say. I never think about myself. All I care are there's food that can feed my sisters and mom while dad and I work.

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