Chapter 11 - Ego

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Jeffrey released a heavy sigh when his eyes looked at every unopened letter on his desk. It's either bills or resignation letter from his workers. He's tired of opening them.

Suddenly he heard a knocked. His wife smiled at him and told him that there's visitor for him waiting outside the room. He let them in and was surprised to see it's Emerson and her wife.

"Mrs Larove." He says and offered them to sit.

Emerson looked around and smiled. "Busy?" Jeffrey shake his head. "Perfect timing if I might say so." Antonia nudged her wife side telling her it's time.

"I'm going straight to business. I'm here because I have an offer you can't refuse. Well I hope because from the state of your home office and those eye bags, you need them."

Jeffrey listen tentatively.

"I'm here to offer you some, you can say it's investing. I will help you, rebuilding your empire." Jeffrey looked at Emerson's orbs. "And what will I have to do to repay you?" Emerson smiled.

"All you have to do is tell me Keith's main reason to why they sue my family. If you heard of my status in America, I don't play games with a boy who thought money can buy anything. I play with the big boys."

Jeffrey leaned back. "How much." Antonia touched Emerson's hand. "40 million. In pound." Emerson's eyes widen. She can't believe her wife just said that.

Jeffrey's eyes widen as well but for a different reason. "Are you serious?" Antonia nodded. "Well. If you think your friendship with an Archer is much more important, you can turn the offer down. But if you feel that this status you have and the company you sacrifice for is worth something, took the money and rebuild your life."

Jeffrey looked at a picture he had on his desk. It's a picture of him and Keith when they were just 14 years old. Keith was his childhood friend. But, Keith was known as the dirty minded businessman and nobility.

Does he willing to betray someone he knows just for the sake of his company? Does it worth it to throw such opportunity just for an old friend? Jeffrey turned to the Larove's and sighed.

"I'm sorry. I can't accept them." Antonia looked at Emerson. "Okay. 100 million. In pounds." Jeffrey's eyes widen. Does money really is no object for this kind of people?! Jeffrey shake his head once again. "I'm sorry."

Emerson sighed and stood up. "Well, if you change your mind.." Emerson placed a name card on his desk. "Call us." Antonia stood up and followed her wife out. Outside, Jeffrey's wife was waiting. Waiting for good news.

She leads the Larove out.

Once inside the car, Fleur looked at her mother's with hope in her eyes. "So? Did he agree?" Antonia shake her head. "He refuse. We even offered him 100 million pounds. For him his friendship is more important than anything. Selfish. But that's nobility for you."

Fleur turned to Emerson.

"Is there any other way to save Arabelle's family business? Come on mom. You're a business genius." Fleur says. Emerson turned to Antonia. "There might be a way." Antonia smiled.

"Remember what late grandma Carmen did when one of her friends business went bankrupt?" Fleur shake her head.

"She bought them. And rebuild them again before giving it back to the original owner." Emerson says. Fleur smiled. "Can we do that?" Emerson nodded. "Well if you want to, I can talk to Paul about this."

Fleur nodded. "Use my share. Okay? I don't want to burden you with this." Emerson chuckled. "Fleur. What you try to do is an act of noble. Arabelle will be very proud." Fleur smiled.

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