Chapter 20 - Threat

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Jeffery saw Fleur drive up in her car. He was out of the front door and yelling at Fleur to leave before she even had a chance to get out of her car. He was determined to get Fleur off of his property and never to see his daughter again.

However, Fleur was determined to see Arabelle. "GET OF MY PROPERTY RIGHT NOW!" Fleur was tired of being chased off. "I am not leaving until I see Arabelle! She is pregnant with my baby and I demand to see her."

This made Jeffery see red. He could not remember a time he was so angry. "You have not right to demand anything! You have caused enough trouble. NOW GET OUT!" Jeffery said as he pulled out a kitchen knife.

Fleur was surprised to see the knife but refused to back down. "I don't want to fight you but I wont be threatened. I also wont leave without seeing Arabelle!" Fleur went to step around Jeffery.

He turned to swing the knife at Fleur expecting her to move out of the way. When Fleur didn't back down, the knife sliced threw the side of her arm. Fleur's eyes went wide.

She knew he was angry but she never dreamed to would actually use the knife on her. Fleur fell on the ground while holding her injured arm. Jeffery's eyes were wide in shock at the blood.

When Fleur couldn't get the bleeding to stop just with the pressure of her hand, she decided she needed to leave for now. Without speaking, she walked back to her car and drove off.

"DAD!" Jeffrey heard and turned around. All he could see was disappointment in his daughter's wet orbs.


"Fleur you need to calm down. Your wound is bleeding again." Isabella says when Fleur kept on walking back and forth in her room. "Isabella, i need to find her. She's sick. Francesca says it can bring harm to my kid."

Isabella placed both arms on Fleur's shoulder and made her stop from walking.

"Relax and sit down. You haven't changed the bandages after you knew about Arabelle's sickness. You need to changed them Fleur. What if your sick? Who will look after Arabelle? Plus, your unborn baby."

Fleur turned to her bandages and nodded. Isabella smiled and grabbed Fleur by her uninjured arm and walked out of the room to the nurse's office. Isabella was talking to her friend when Fleur started to feel dizzy.

Without warning, Isabella felt her friend was falling. She try hard not to made her fall. When she realised Fleur was passing out, she yelled for help. "Fleur?" Isabella called out. No response.

"FLEUR!" Isabella yelled. "Somebody, tell the headmistress!" One of the freshman nodded and ran to the headmistress office. When the headmistress came, the nurse was there. She told the headmistress she had call for the ambulance.

"What happen?" The headmistress asked.

"Her wound is infected. From all this symptoms, she might suffer from blood infection. This can be fatal if we were too late." The nurse says. When the ambulance came, Isabella asked if she can follow Fleur with the ambulance.

The headmistress nodded and went to the hospital using her own car. She called for Fleur's parents before driving to the hospital.


Emerson and Antonia was about to board their jets when one of her bodyguards called out for them. "MRS LAROVE!!" Emerson stopped walking up the stairs and turned to him.

"There's been an emergency. The headmistress call. She said Miss Fleur being hospitalised. She's not in a good condition." Antonia's heart dropped. Emerson quickly grabbed her wife and calm her down.

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