Chapter 17 (Tiffany): Revealing Stefan

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Chapter 17 (Tiffany): Revealing Stefan

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Stefan and I had moved to a new place after we were discharged from the hospital. Together with the Jung sisters, we were now staying at the hotel where SNSD's and F(x)'s planned performance location is, Marina Bay Sands.

To be honest, siblings living with other siblings is still a bit awkward. I mean, Stefan is already comfortable when I am around, but he is still not used to Sica's presence yet. As for Krystal, it is still a shock for them both to see each other after a year.

I'm glad, however, that Krystal seems more lively now. Sure, I've seen her when she's at her happiest, but I always felt she could be better.

Stefan's kidnapping chapter had one last ending though. Earlier, we were informed about his kidnapper's arrest from Officer Wong, and we had to appear briefly in court for their prosecution. I still remember clearly what happened during that time.


The judge now asked Stefan to read out his case. I noticed that his former parents, now kidnappers, had no emotion on their faces. The 'mother' scared me the most, for her look was still filled with a tinge of revenge.

Anyways, Stefan proceeded to read his testimony. In it, he mentioned his life that was almost like any ordinary Singaporean family, with the odd quarrels here and there, but with nothing worrying. Prior to his meeting with me, he noticed the odd bias against Korea amongst his 'parents'. It was after meeting me that they revealed their true colours: that they kidnapped Stefan, my brother, from my family.

It turned out that his kidnappers found out about our meeting through a friend who worked at the airport. He had no idea what he triggered next. Thankfully, as an innocent person, he was pardoned.

After the court hearing, Stefan walked up to me and said, "Justice has finally been served."

I couldn't agree with him more.

(Flashback End)

We were now in our room in the hotel and were waiting for both Jung sisters to return, each escorting thier group. Meanwhile, I was wondering how to tell Taeyeon and the others about Stefan.

"Are you sure they will welcome me?" Stefan asked worriedly.

"You'll be fine. They aren't really bothered much by these things...usually." I tried my best to assure him.

Speaking of which, they should be here by now. And speaking of which, I wonder if F(x) will notice Krystal's sudden change in atitude?

For measure, I decided that Stefan should wait in the bathroom first, just in case a mob of 7 more unfamiliar girls is too much for him. Sigh...the perks of being Korea's largest girl group.

Moments later, Jessica came in together with the other SNSD members, whom were all donning on their sunglasses in style.

"Guys! You're here! I missed you all!" I welcomed them.

All the members came to greet me in their own special way, aside from Seohyun's well-mannered light hug. Sooyoung and Yuri shook me playfully, Yoona gave me a tight bear hug, Hyoyeon and Sunny ruffled my hair and Taeyeon...well did everything the others did.

"Fany unnie, are you feeling better now?" Seohyun asked politely. Sica must have told them about my hospital visit.

"As good as ever Hyunnie," I smiled at her.

The other members were also glad I was in good shape for our upcoming performance which was in 2 days time. But it became clear that the moment of revelation was approaching...for Stefan at least.

"Fany ah~" Yuri suddenly piped, "you are supposed to introduce someone to us right?"

It has come, I thought.

I called for Stefan to come out of the bathroom. On cue, he appeared shyly in front of the whole of SNSD.

"Annyeonghaseyo..." he spoke softly. "My name's Stefan. My full name is Stefanus Hwang Mi Yang..."

He didn't get to finish his introduction because Yoona suddenly asked, "Fany unnie! You didn't tell us you had a brother!"

The other members were asking the same question too. I noticed Stefan just standing there and laughing at them. Well, he hasn't seen all of it yet.

Taeyeon finally calmed us down, and Stefan told everyone the whole story, changing between English and Korean.

"That's," Taeyeon finally concluded.

 "Now I am jealous of you Fany!" Yoona and Yuri whined.

I smiled at everyone's liking of Stefan. Amazingly, Stefan was really appreciating the girls' company, although he did need to work a bit on his Korean admittedly. And there was still the highlight.

"Guys! I think it would be a great idea if Stefan performed with us!" I announced excitedly.

As expected, they all gave me weird looks, except for Stefan. He knew what was next.

"Are you sure about this Fany?" Hyoyeon questioned me.

I guess, as SNSD's best dancer, she had every right to be worried. Stefan can sing; I've heard him sing before. Dance? We'll find out soon enough.

"I am quite confident about that Hyo sunbae," Stefan said.

Unsure, Sunny played our hit song, 'Gee', on her iPod. Indeed, those dance steps were quite professional and the girls would believe Stefan could not dance that.

On the contrary, Stefan was absolutely precise with the dance moves. He even had time to sing the chorus fluently. Undoubtedly, the members were amazed with Stefan's choreography.

"" Jessica asked. She also had no idea.

In the midst of all this, Sunny played our other songs, such as 'Hoot', 'Run Devil Run', 'Genie' and 'The Boys'. Stefan performed them with absolute precision that left the members jaws dropping.

When they asked me again, I casually replied, "I showed him clips of us dancing those songs, and he picked them up quite quickly while I perfected his choreography wherever I could. Natural born talent?"

"Eh~" they all didn't believe me.

"Let's be friends, Stefan!" Hyoyeon ruffled his head not caring about what the others thought.

In the end, I guess Stefan settled in well with SNSD. And he was going to perform some of our songs with us!

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A/N: I am aware that it takes way longer for SNSD's dance moves to be perfected. But this is a fiction, so these rules don't really apply that much.

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