Chapter 18 (Krystal): In A Relationship

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Chapter 18 (Krystal): In A Relationship

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Sica and I had just returned from the airport after receiving our respective groups. F(x) had been Singapore before, last year. It was that year when I met Stefan, when I began thinking about him everyday. Now, I met him again, but he is different in a good way. He's Tiffany's younger brother, more sociable and less upset about life.

Anyways, I had some catching up to do since I hadn't seen my F(x) unnies for nearly a week. Sulli was the first to greet me and we have been chatting with each other ever since leaving the airport. Victoria, Amber and Luna just watched us, somehow feeling left out in our teenager talk.

"Coming back to Singapore does bring back some memories right Krystal?" Sulli asked me when we had settled into our room.

"Yes Sulli! A lot..." I answered whistfully.

Amber and Luna seemed to notice my change in character.

"Is our Krystal feeling a bit different today?" Luna probed.

"Tell us Krystal!" Amber asked me in English.

"You guys! What did I miss?" Toria, whom had just entered the room, asked.

Amber. Luna and Sulli tried to explain the situation in a rather mixed up manner. Ah, if only they knew the real reason.

Speaking of which, I wonder how Stefan is fairing with SNSD?

Shortly after, there was a knock on our door. Victoria unnie volunteered to answer the door. I guess she wanted to escape the others who were pestering me.

"I think our maknae likes someone guys!" Luna kept blabbering.

"So why doesn't she tell us?" Amber wondered out loud.

Sulli was just laughing at all of us.

Just then, Toria unnie reappeared. Following her was my sister, Tiffany unnie, and...Stefan.

After Fany and Sica greeted the members and informed them of the programme, they were ready to introduce Stefan. He was back to his hesitant self as he was introduced to people he had never seen before, especially since F(x) is a famous idol group.

I observed the members faces carefully. They were all touched and emotional as Stefan retold his story to them; in English of course. I have to say, I was proud of Stefan for being able to control his emotions throughout all this. He kept glancing at me now and then with a smile. 

While Amber and I took turns translating some of what Stefan said, I noticed that Sulli seemed to have a soft spot for him. I couldn't blame her; she naturally shows concern for people like Stefan.

Then, when Stefan finished his story, he announced, "I know you all don't know yet, but there is someone whom I have met before in your group."

Ah, he saved the best for last, I thought.

I glanced towards Sica, who was urging me on to do what I really wanted to do most.

Meanwhile, the other members were eyeing me suddenly. I guess they figured out my secret thanks to Stefan.

"It can't be right? Krystal?" Amber probed.

"Yah! Have you been keeping this from us for a year already?" Sulli and Luna whined.

Eventually, Victoria unnie had to calm us down. Stefan, who ha been watching the drama unfold, just smirked. My...are F(x) that childish when fighting?

Now, everyone was expecting an answer. I guess I knew what I had to do next.

I boldly walked towards Stefan's side, realising that he was puzzled too. But I knew I had only one chance at doing this.

"Everyone," I announced, "the person Stefan's talking about"

With that, I kissed him lightly on the cheek, catching him by surprise.

My actions affected the members almost immediately. Toria and Amber unnie smiled and clapped at me in acknowledgement while Luna and Sulli squealed with a burst of aegyo.

And Stefan? Well, when he finally registered the situation, he was extremely touched.

"My bad, I should return the favour," he said almost casually.

And with that, he also kissed me lightly on my cheek. It felt as though my heart was melting from his kiss.

As expected, Luna and Sulli screamed even louder. And when I glanced at Fany unnie, her jaw was hanging open so widely, you could stuff loads of marshmallows in her mouth!

At once, she and my sister did not hesitate to say together, "We approve!"

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A/N: F(x) is finally introduced! This is my first attempt at a romance scene, so do comment to provide tips on improving future scenes like this.

I know I did say my eye infection was prohibiting me from updating, but I'll still try my best.

I have been reading other kpop stories on wattpad recently, and you guys (if you haven't already) should check out 'My K-Pop Secret' by 99eunjae.

MY Sister In SNSD (Long Lost Kpop Siblings Book 1) [#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now