Chapter 22 (Tiffany): I'll Stand By You

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Chapter 22 (Tiffany): I'll Stand By You

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It had been such a wonderful performace so far. Not just because I got to see the Singapore fans again, but mainly because my brother was performing with us! I must say, I thought he was going to have stage fright at first, but he took all the pressures of performing and all rather well. He put a lot of effort in the dance moves and that was definitely the highlight for everyone.

Speaking of which, the fans need to find out about me and Stefan soon. They all still believe he is some lucky guest who knows how to dance Kpop songs well. Ok, they do have a point...

After our song 'Gee' ended, we were about to perform the collab song with F(x). By now, they had appeared on the stage and were greeted just as wholeheartedly by the fans. Now, it was the time.

Taeyeon had just finished her speech to the audience. I walked over to her and asked her to let me use the microphone. Though initially puzzled why, she finally understood that it was about Stefan.

Once the mike was in my hands, I announced, "We saved the best for last, because I am telling you all now Stefan is my biological brother!"

Stefan suddenly looked at me with a shocked expression. Was he expecting me to tell the fans that? Perhaps not.

The crowd went completely silent all of a sudden. I glanced towards Stefan's friends, and they were equally shocked with the news too. But almost instantly, someone from the crowd shouted, "Daebak!"

Right then, everyone was cheering for my brother. They all were saying how he performed so well in front of them and that they wished to see him next time. I don't know why, but I felt so touched by their support for the (if I say so myself) 10th member of SNSD!

I looked towards Stefan and noticed that he was crying...with joy. He must not have felt so loved by people outside his 'home' before. A new experience for him, I should say.

At that time, Krystal took my mike and spoke to Stefan and the audience, "Stefan, would you like to say something first?"

Without hesitation, Stefan held the mike and faced the crowd. His friends were all looking up to him eagerly. I noticed that one of them had quickly drawn a poster with Stefan's name on it. How sweet of her  to do that ~

"It was really a pleasure to perform with SNSD and F(x)," Stefan began to speak to the crowd. "I never knew about my sister until about a month back. We met by chance at the airport and together we worked towards finding out truths and the true meaning of Family. I don't want to reveal the full details yet. But even so, I feel as though my life is complete as of tonight." to make the most touching of speeches.

I obseved the audience and noticed that they were not only cheering for him, but were also affected by his words in a good way. Some were even wiping their eyes as if tears were falling out already. I didn't realise it, but I was unconciously crying as well.

"Ah, our Fany is also touched ~" Sica unnie suddenly spoke.

Slowly, the members and F(x) came together and we embraced each other in a group hug amidst the cheers from the fans. I wasn't the only one shedding tears tonight. Yuri, Sunny, Sooyoung and Taeyeon also shared my feelings too. Similarly, F(x)'s Luna and Krystal could not hold their tears in.

Stefan then returned to the front of the stage and announced, "Dad! If you are watching this, see that I'm alive and well! Fany has found me!"

I then had an idea. I walked up to Stefan's side and instructed him what to do. Then, as the members watched us, we lifted our hands into the air and waved them to the camera's as if Dad was watching us.

Then we shouted, "Appa, Saranghaeyo!"

Another roar of cheering followed throughout the building just as Stefan and I hugged each other tight.

Finally we were ready for our last performance: 'Chocolate Love'. Taeyeon and Toria unnie both took it in turns to introduce the song.

With 'Chocolate Love', featuring Stefan, done and dusted, I could finally say that our Singapore visit had ended on a high note.

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A/N: Medium length chapter this time. To be honest, it was really hard to create a touching scene here. I literally ran out of vocabulary for 'cheering' so if it does sound a little mundane, it is my fault.

That aside, now everyone knows about Fany and Stefan! Since we don't hear much from Fany, the next chapter will also be her POV. Stefan will finally meet his biological father.

Meanwhile, vote and comment for this and all the other stories I have written so far! Appreciate your support and hope you like reading my works.

MY Sister In SNSD (Long Lost Kpop Siblings Book 1) [#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now