The punk who loved her not

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"Cassandra, are you even listening to me!" My mum yells throwing her hand sin the air then quickly placing them back on the swearing wheel.

"No I'm not, your annoying me" I huff, rolling my eyes

"Well! I can't stand your obnoxious tone young lady and I am honestly looking forward to your depart to college!" She hisses letting out a huff to empathise her frustration

"Ouch," I sarcastically remark, "I must say though, I'll miss your constant nagging and inability to be kind to me" I smile

"As will I miss your obnoxious tone..."

"You already mentioned my obnoxious tone, gosh mum, try be more original" I smile cutting her off.

"Get out of my car, we arrived already and I don't went to get frustrated before you leave" she says drinking down some coffee.

I hope out of the car, grab my bags and say goodbye to my mum as I head to the administration office. When I reach the office it's less crowded then I expected. It's light wooded walls creep high in the air to then have a mirror as a roof. I look down at myself through the roof mirror at my dark brown hair with pink and blond highlights, I should've died my hair completely pink, I think to myself.

"Hello! My names Chontell and I'll be escorting you to your dorm!" A middle aged woman with blond hair reaching her chin and red lipstick dark along her thin lips bringing out the color of her blue eyes.

"I don't care" I tell her uninterested in her innocence

She looks at the ground offended but quickly brings herself up as she walks out the door and gestures for me to accompany her, "What might your name be might I ask?" She says pulling out a list with names and their dorm numbers, "Cassandra Agriotti" I mumble, I hate the name 'Cassandra'

"Dorm 23B!" She chirps and scurries down a hallway to the left. It's a brick passageway with dim lights lined above our heads, looks like jail to me.

She hands me a key which I then place into the door labeled "23B". The door doesn't budge. "It's not going to open, wrong key" I tell her, she frowns at her list, "Oh! Haha it's 23A! Not B! Oh how silly of me!" She laughs to herself and scurries down the other passageway form the administration office. "You've got to me kidding me" I growl and she turns around and frowns at me, like I care old woman! Finally we make it to the correct door and I storm inside dumping my bags on the floor, "It's a great room! You won't have a roommate this year but I'm curtain that..." I slam the door in her face, making her unable to finish her sentence.

The room isn't very exciting, the walls are all brick with a window on the far side and a door leading to a white tilled bathroom next to it. The two queen single beds have plain cream coloured sheets and a white pillow with a brown wooden bedside table accompanying each bed on the right. "Ugh" I moan to myself, "this is going to be a crap 4 years."

The punk who loved her notWhere stories live. Discover now