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**the next morning**

My eyes fluttered open as I came in contact with a ripped peace of paper placed on my chest.

*gone out for the day feel free to stay another night :)*

Liam's such a sweetheart

I rubbed my eyes before jumping out of bed and leaving to head towards the office. I got a new key and trotted over to my dorm, excitement filled me as I've only been in my dorm for 5 minutes throughout the entire Tim eive been at Calmon College. As I jiggled with the key the door bumped open. The room smelled fresh and new and there on my bed was my beautiful suitcase which I've really missed.

I washed up and got ready wearing some light blue skinny jeans, a white flowy top, white high top converses and a crystal necklace. I stared at the mirror and gasped. Who is this girl I front if me? No black lace goth clothing? This is a sign! To the new Cassie! I decided to take a further leap in the new Cassie and placed my hair in the sink with special shampoo to remove my blonde and pink highlights. Once I was finished I placed my hair in a towel and went to watch some TV while waiting for my hair to dry. As I sat down on my bed my phone vibrated

*Hey! Want to go out for dinner tonight? Just as friends of corse ;)* from Niall

I replied to him telling him that I would love to and that I'll be outside his dorm at 6:30

Now what? I've got an entire day ahead of me! I'll use it to get to know the new Cassie! I jumped into the bathroom to start the new Cassie off with hair. I took the towel off and blow dried my hair till it was dry and straight. My chocolate brown hair suited me well and I liked the fact that it was completely brown. Grabbing my crimper, I crimped my hair from top to bottom and completed my look with a little bit of black mascara which I gently applied to my long lashes and some light pink lip gloss. I looked in the mirror at the new Cassie, I nodded in approvment for my new look.

As I excited my room I decided to grab my kardashian kollection clutch and put my phone, some money, my keys and my lip gloss in before heading out for a coffee


"A regular double decaf ice latte with extra cream" I told the waitress as she rolled her eyes at me, "excuse me? Roll your eyes again, I dare you" I threatened but then contained myself the new Cassie will be a lady, she won't threaten and she'll be polite, "sorry, rough morning" I apologise before grabbing my coffee and the new Dolly! Magazine before settling down in a lounge chair and enjoying my Saturday.

By the time I finished my late it was almost one 'o'clock and I hadn't had any lunch yet, surprisingly, I wasn't hungry.

I spent the new few hours watching television, reading magazines and training the new Cassie on how to be a lady, like I'd know how to be a lady I chuckled to myself before exiting the room and knocking on Nialls door. After a few seconds the door swung open and Niall looked awfully handsome. He wore a blue button up color short and dark brown khakis with black vans.

After some light convosating to his car he opened the passenger door for me as I climbed in and thanked him. He quickly ran to the drivers seat side and jumped in. He said that where we were going was a suprise so I wasn't able to know.

"So," he started while exciting the campus grounds, "what's up with the new look?"

"Oh I'm not 100% sure but I feel like I needed to be refreshed you know? Make a new Cassie!" I sighed, smiling to myself very proudly

"What was wrong with the old Cassie?" He quickly stated

"She was a wreck! She was broken, hurt, shattered and played. What wasn't wrong with the old Cassie!"

"Nothing was wrong with the old Cassie!"

"What? Why are you doing this? I wanted a change! Me! Not you! Me!" I said, slightly raising my voice, "she was broken beyond repairs! No one could save her, not even you!"

"She was strong! You changed so quickly and I don't even know who you are anymore!"

"What are you-? What? You've badly spoken to the new me! Why can't you accept me for who I am!

"I do though! That's just the thing! I was the only one who didn't want you to change or who accepted you. Not even you excepted yourself!" He tightened his grip on the swearing wheel as his voice raised, "Your not the Cassie that I fell in love with" he mumbled hoping that I didn't hear him

"Wha-what?" I gasped

"Don't play pity with me Cassie, you love-"

"Harry" I sighed, it hurt having to admit it all over again after the real me had come

"Ouch but yeah, I know you could never love someone like me" he looked down to his hands as he pulled to the side of the road

"Oh Niall. Don't be silly" I rubbed my hand over his shoulder, "your the one that rejected me the other day remember?" I playfully stated

"I rejected Cassie. Not you" he sobbed to himself, "I don't know who you are anymore"

"I never expected you to accept me" I hissed before grabbing my clutch and opening the door

"Where are you going?" He cried, looking up at me through distressed eyes

"Away from you!" I growled before turning and walking away, I don't know where I was going but I just walked before I was completely lost.


I have no idea where I am.......all these streets look the same! I sighed as I say down on the foot part hand got out my phone. I can't call Niall to save me, can't call my mother because I barely like her, there's only one other people I have to call. Before I can think I pressed the number and it began to ring. It kept on ringing for a while until the phone like was connected, "hello?" His deep voice sent a shiver down my back


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