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Cassie's POV

"Hey dad. This is Cassie, my best friend" Liam said to my dad

"Um, Liam" I shakily spoke, "that's my dad"

"What?" Liam's eye brows furrowed in confusion, "what do you mean?"

"She's means I have some explaining to do" dad sighs sitting back down onto his chair as Liam and I grabbed chairs around us to sit on. Liam accidently pulled out a chair that a fat guy was about to sit on and he came crashing down shaking the entire earth. "Sorry" Liam mutter as he and I tried to contain our laughter

"So. Cassie, um. I haven't been completely fair to you mother. I um was having an affair when you were about 6 months with a girl called Samantha" my dad whispered so only Liam and I could hear

"You what?!" I strained my voice in a whisper as he held his hand up signalling the worst is yet to come

"We um had Liam, your mother didn't know how to deal with it and drank and brought home guys to make me feel bad-"

"So she should have" I muttered under my breath as I rolled my eyes

"When you were seven she just became too much to handle and well, I went to get married to Samantha so I raised Liam

"You bastard" I growled under my breath

"How could you just leave Cassie?" Liam hissed at my dad, his dad, our dad.

"I thought you said you became homeless and that's why you didn't bring me!" I said shakily, trying to hold back the tears. How come everything happened to me? Get abused by my own mother while my father leaves me for a better family. Fall I love with the guy that breaks my heart as a hobbie. Find a mr.perfect who the cheats on my loves girlfriend. Get pregnant by the guy that got me into this mess to then Have him leave me! Not to mention how he met another girl and decided to stay with her while she's pregnant. Then I found out my dad is a complete bastard. Talk about living la vida loca.

"I knew you wouldn't want a new family and I just didn't want to bring you to do this" he sighs

"Well at least we're brother and sister for real now" Liam smiles at me tring to lighten my mood, "and you parents and even with each other"

"I guess your right....." I sigh, a small chuckled escaping my lips, "what a wired day this has been"

"Yeah, I'm dead let's go to bed!" Liam laughed pretending to fall asleep on my shoulder

"Why not come home for the night?" Dad smiles at us, "maybe you can meet your step mother"

I freeze at his words, "s-step m-um?" I stuttered, terrified of what it'll be like

"Yeah, Samantha's a lovely women" dad smiles belfry placing the money for his drink in the counter and walking easy, I guess Liam and I just won't have our drinks then........

Harry's POV

as I walk away I try to contain my anger. As I walked I bumped into a small girl with blond curly hair, "oh sorry. Didn't see you there shorty" I joked, helping her up on her feet

"Don't worry about it curly" she laughed back as I raised my eye brows

"Seriously? Your calling me curly?" I laughed, pulling one of her blond curls straight and dealing it and it bounces back into a ringlet

"Eh- couldn't decide on a better one" she shrugged before her phone beeped, she looked at the message she received and her face fell.

"Are you okay?" I asked placing my hand on her shoulder for comfort

"Ug yeah just you know. Love problems" she sighed looking back up at me

"Oh yes I most defiantly know" I chuckled looking down at her, "want to get a coffee to talk about it?"

"Ur" she shuffled nervously on her feet looking at the ground

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill you I'm an ally way. I'm just having love problems too so maybe we could help each other" I laugh as she looks up and nods, giggling, "I'm Harry, by the way" I say extending my hand

"Carrie" she smiles, taking my hand and shaking it firmly, "come on"


"I thought he loved me" Carrie cried before bringing her coffee to her lips and sipping it. Gesh I didn't know this would come to tears, what am I meant to do?, "I love him with all my heart but he said he didn't want a child just yet so he left and now I'm going to be a single mother! I hate him so much but I can't stop loving him. I wish, I wish with all my heart I could stop loving him"

I bit my lip nervously, seeing how hard this was for Carrie made me want to beat this guy to a pulp, even though I don't even know her I couldn't believe this. Then I realised that I'm doing exactly this to Cassie but what I've put her though I'd probably worse. I'm a bloody idiot, "Carrie, thank you so much" I great fully smiled at her

"What? Thank me for what?" She asked in confusion, her forehead creasing as her eyes brows furrowed

"You've just helped me completely!" I smiled at her, "now, I know a girl going though the same thing as you. Unfortunately I'm the one doing it to her-"

"Harry! How could you! You don't know what you've done to this poor girl. I'm sorry but I don't want to sit here with you any longer if your going to be a selfish bastard"

"But wait, here me out" I started as I told her me plan. Once I had cleared out what i was doing she nodded her head

"Wow, I guess your not so much a selfish bastard but warning your still a bastard for doing this to her" she started, shaking her finger at me, "but I'll do it. I won't mention your name or anything but I'll became her friend for her. She sounds sweet"

"She's the most amazing girl" I smile at her, thinking just about Cassie, "well, come on!"

"Right, alright imma commin" she chuckled, swinging her hand back over her shoulder as she left money on the counter for her coffe. I swiped off her money and popped in back into her hand as I laid down some of my own money.

"Um no" she said, reaching out her hand to take the money ayes before I clasped my hand over the money first

"Uh yes" I mocked her cheekily as we headed out of the cafe.

Carries POV

As I walked along the streets I finally found the girl I've been looking for. Personally, I was so excited to make a new friend! I don't have too many because I just moved her but it would be nice to meet a girl who I've heard nothing but good about and to share the same situation with me. I just know we're going to become like sisters!

"Ug" I sighed behind her as she turned around

"Hey, um are you okay?" She smiled at me thoughtfully

"Yeah, well no. You know, pregnant teen whose boyfriend left them because of the child. Same old" I chuckled nervously to her. Her eyes widened as she realised she was in the same scenario as me

"Oh my gosh I'm going though the same thing, I'm Cassie" she extended her hand to me and I shook it happily

"Carrie, I'm so relieved that I'm not the only one. Listen, I know this is going to sound odd but I really need someone right now and your going though the same thing so maybe we could, you know?" I smiled nervously as she though for a second before picking up what I was putting down

"Friends" she smiled before pulling me into a hug as I wrapped my arms around her small body.

"Awesome" I smiled genuinely before pulling away, "com'on. I heard there's a surf competition down at the beach for under 20 guys" I giggled to her before she chuckled too

"What are we waiting for?"

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