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Cassie's POV

My eyes flutter open but then shut as I brought my hand to my head rubbing where it was throbbing, I was startled when I realised that the cast was gone and my left wrist was moving freely once again. As I opened my eyes slightly they then snapped open as I gasped. I was in a hospital room. All walls were white and there was a bright ray of sunshine shining on me which was provided from the window to the right of me.

My head continues to throb as I search around the room till my eyes stop on Harry sitting in the chair beside me with his head on the bed in which we lay as he slept. I slowly put my hand on his back as I lightly shook him, "Harry.....wake up" he raised his head up as his eyes slowly opened, "Cass, I'm so glad your okay" he whispered as I gasped at his blood shut eyes

"Why are your eyes blood shut?" I asked placing my hand on his cheek

"Because I've been waiting for you to wake up" he chucked quietly, digging his cheek further into my hand

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About six days, long time" I gasped at his words and brought both my hands to my mouth to exaggerate my shock

"Oh, When did you arrive here?"

"Arrive? I've haven't left, I was in the ambulance with you and I haven't left your side apart from dashing to the bath room and eating" he smiled. My heart fluttered as I heard this

"Oh Harry!" I started to cry as I sat up and hugged him

"No baby, don't cry" he said wiping away my tears on my cheeks

"It's just. All I've been is terrible to you yet here you are! Why?"

"I told you why Cass.....I'm in love with you" his voice was soft as he started down at his feet

"I-I love you t-too" I stuttered not believing that this is actually happening. He smiled up at me before stranding giving me a kiss on the forehead and walking away, "where are you going?" I pouted wanting him to stay with me

"I'm going to get you some food, your probably starving"

"Oh Yes, thank you" I didn't realise how starving I was before he mentioned it. Minutes went by before I stood up and walked over to the mirror. On the right side of my forehead were stitches about 5 cm long and then a short 1cm long one below my right eye on my cheek bone. My forehead and chin were bruised along with a bandage around my right shoulder. I must've fallen on my right side. I raise my hand to touch my forehead but flinch away at the sudden shot of pain that struck through me. The door suddenly burst open and Harry stood there with a tray on chicken soup and orange juice with two small oval pills. I sat down on the bed and he placed the tray on my lap before taking back his previous seat and staring up at me, "thank you" I smiled before digging into my delicious meal.

He stared at me as I ate, "what?" I asked


"Come on you can tell me" I pout scrunching my nose

"Your just so beautiful" he sighed as I blushed

"Um thanks" I giggled to myself

"I know this is probably the last thing you want to think about but I want you to know that I truly am sorry and I mean it when I say I love you. I really do and I want you to be mine and I know I'm not good enough for you but if you could just give me-"

I sutterly pecked him on the lips cutting him off mid sentence, "shall I take that as a yes?" He smiled raising his eye brows waiting for a response.

"Yes" I sighed rolling my eyes sarcastically as he kissed me once again

"I love you" he cooed in my ear, "I love you too" I smiled to him while embracing him in a warm hug


Niall's POV

"She what!!" I yelled into the phone as the nurse informed me about Cassie. This is all my fault, I can't believe this! I feel nauseous at the thought of what could've happened. I quickly jumped into my car and raced to the hospital tapping my fingers against my knees, nervous habit.

I entered the hospital and the nurse gave me directions to her room, Harry exited the rook before I made it there and walked to the cafeteria, he put his hand on the door then spotted me and dropped his hands forming a deep scowl on his face

"What have you done!" He yelled briskly walking over to me

"Me? I had nothing to do with it! What are you even doing here?"

"This was all your fault! I've been with her since the ambulance ride and I haven't left her for six days! Where have you been Mr. Perfect!" He spat in my face as he stood up close to me, him towering over me

"I didn't know!! I'm sure when she wakes up, your going to be the last person she wants to see so um, Bye!" I waved my arm at him and tried to walk around him until he grabbed my shirt and pulled me back

"She awake you dimwit and if she doesn't want me here then why did she tell me she loved me!!" My heart sank as the words excited his mouth and I know he was telling the truth by the smirk placed on his damn face, "I think you should go"

I sighed as I looked over to the room and dropped my gaze to the floor, "tell her I'm sorry"

"Okay, Bye" he turned me around and waved me away as I stumbled off. I turned around and Harry was gone and I looked to her door and quietly mumbled to myself, "I love you Cassie"

I turned back around and continued to stumble away, "I love you"

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