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Harry's POV

"Sorry can fix the shattered pieces" I mumbled, she accepted my apology for shattering her, why can't she accept the apology of another who shattered her? I know I shouldn't be in this but I can see it behind her mothers eyes, she truly was sorry and did blame herself for everything.

"Get. Out" Cassie's jaw clenched together as she hissed once again, "Get. Out. Of. The. Car"

"Cass-" I reached for her hand but she flinched away before smacking the steering wheel, "Dammit Harry! Just get out! Go back inside since your on her side for this! I'm sure she'll happily accept another teenage boyfriend!"

"Hey dont talk about you mum like that" I quietly responded, crap Harry you set her off

"Hell no. Hell no. Hell no! HELL FRICKEN NO!" She screamed while turning to face me and starts punching and smacking my arm, "YOU ARE......I CANT EVEN.... ARG!!!! JUST GO AWAY HARRY! I HATE YOU SO MUCH ITS TAKING EVERYTHING IN MY NOT TO CHOKE YOU TO DEATH! NOW GET OUT OF MY CAR AND GO FIND ANOTHER GIRL BECAUSE I OFFICIALLY AND WILL ETERNALLY HATE YOU!!!" She's screaming at the top of her lungs when Zayn runs out to see what was wrong. I looked at him and he motioned for me to get out of the car, obeying both Cassie and Zayn I got out of the car as she quickly reversed backwards causing the review mirror to hit my hard in an area that shouldn't be hit. I fell to the ground moaning in pain.

"Hey man, you had that coming" Zayn said looking down on me. At first I was going to stand up and smack the smile off his face but then I realised that he was so damn right, "I know right" I moaned, rolling on the ground


Cassie's POV

I sped my way back to campus not caring if I was way over the speed limit, which I was. I quickly parked the car near my dorm and sprinted towards my dorm, harshly entering the room I slammed the door and broke down in tears. I really needed someone to hold me, cradle me and comfort me but who? My mum was a she-devil, Harry is a complete jerk, Nialls gone.....Liam.......I can see Liam! Breaking through my door and banging on Liam's the door suddenly swings open. "Cass! Hey how are - gosh what's wrong!" He grabbed my wrist pulling my inside gently, "are you okay?" He gave a sympathy smile while pulling my in to a warm embrace while closing the door behind me.

"I'm okay, no not really" tears began to ease slightly but they were still flowing freely down my cheeks

"Well your here now, do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head and he nodded understandingly.

"Come" he placed his hand on his back and led my in towards his bed, in the room stood a young boy around our age. He looked up from his magazine he was reading and planted a huge smile on his face, "hi! You must be Cassie! I've heard so much about...." He dropped his tone as he saw my tear stained cheeks and probably blood shut eyes, "are you okay love?" He came up and hugged me. I didn't even know this guys name but he sent off a soothing vibe which made me like him, "I'm Louis" he smiled looking down on me.

After an hour or so of Louis and Liam making me laugh so hard my sides would ache, a sudden thump came from the hall. "Cass!" A deep familiar tone came from what I assumed was outside the door of my dorm, "Cass, please.....I'm so sorry" I let out a slight scoff at his word choice of 'sorry' I'm so done with that word. "Is that Harry?" Liam asked as I brought my hand up to politely silence him yet giving him a small nod, "Cass, please just, if you don't open the door just read this" I heard a shuffle of clothing and the sound of paper being slid under the door. I raced to Liam's door and peered out the peeping hole before seeing Harry sigh and slick his hands in his pocket before walking off.

After the coast was well clear I jumped out before opening my door and retrieving the letter, I slowly walked back into Liam and Louis' room before reading the letter.

Dear Cass

I'm so sorry for what I did, I know I'm a jerk and I know that sorry would be the last thing you want to hear right now but hear me out. I'm not used to dating, you know that. It's not really my thing but when it comes to you, I'll do anything. Hearing you say you hate me only made my heart ache and long for you more. Nothing you can say will make me hate you back and I am well aware that this letter isn't as touching as I'm trying to make it but....I truly love you Cass. How many times had you heard me say thya to someone? I barky said it to my parents and here I am throwing it at you like it's a ball to catch. I love you Cassandra Agriotti. I love you smile, I love your beauty, I love your personality, I love the way that when your cold you bite your lip, I love the way that you refuse to play board games because your scared you might end up in a thing like Zuthura or jumanji. I love the way that when your nervous you fiddle with your fingers and have a thumb war against yourself. I love the way my heart races even at the mention of you name let alone the kisses we share. I love the way your you. I love you. My love Cassandra Agriotti, I can't live without you. Please accept my apology and me mine once more.

Forever and always, Harry.

I wiped away the tears in my eyes with the back of my hand before something hit me. Harry was my best friend. He knew all the secrets about me. He knew me better than anyone else. But there's a difference between being in love with somebody and not being able to live without somebody. Was Harry and I, best friends since I don't know when, forcing our relationship into something that wasn't real? I know he said he loved me but how am I to know he is just convinced he does when he's not really? As I said before, there's a difference between being in love with someone and not being able to live without them. I can't live without Harry but, do I love him? Am I in love with him?

No, no I'm not


Harry's POV

Slipping the letter under the door I shoved my hands in my pocket and walk off, I begin to turn to a run before I fall down while Turning the corner. Sitting down against the wall rubbing my ankle I rolled I heard a door click open then the sound of small feet patting towards a door and opening the door. Cassie.

After 5 minutes I decided to turn back around the corner and walk to Cassie's door, gently knocking before the beautiful girl I call mine opened, "Hey" I smiled stepping into the dorm

"Hi" she shyly smiled back, I guess my apology was accepted. I walked towards the back of her room, after a minute or so of silence I turned around to see her cheeks stained with tears and eyes blood shut with few tears starting to stream down her cheeks, "I love you" I whispered walking up to her and embracing her in a hug. She gently placed her hands in my chest, pulling away, "Cass" I reached out for her hand and to my surprise she held my hand back

"Harry" she whispered, her voice breaking yet my name leaving her lips sent shivers down my back, "the letter was beautiful, but it made me think. You know every little detail about me and I know all the flaws and quirks of you. We've been best friends for almost 16 years. I think were forcing our relaxation ship intok something that doesn't really exist. You said in the letter that you couldn't live without me, there's a difference between being in love with someone and not being able to live without someone. I love you Harry and I know you love me, but we're not IN love. I'm sorry but I think that this is the-"

"Don't say it, don't please. Cass all that is fake. I'm in love with you. Truly and completely in love with you! Husband and wife's know everything about each other and their in love, please. Please just be mine. Please please please please!!" My stomach fell to the floor as I drop to my knees and hug her legs, "please" I whisper, tears pooling in my eyes. She slowly stocked my hair before kneeing down to my eye level on the ground

"End, I'm sorry but I think this is the end" she finished her sentence with a sympathetic smile before kissing me gently on the lips and exiting the room into the bathroom.


Cassie's POV

I walked into the bath room so harry wouldn't hear my sobs. Falling to the floor I hung my head in my hands before I heard Harry exit the room. Walking out of the room I felt empty and lonely. My heart had not only the hole from my mother, Nialls absence, childhood, father, pre shattered pieces from Harry but now my heart was non existent. Too many shattered pieces. None left.

Laying on the bed, I cried myself to sleep.

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