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Harry's POV

We arrived at the wedding and walked straight into the house, sitting down into the couch. Grace followed slightly behind me, sitting on my lap. I gentle grabbed her waist to push her off but she scolded me.

As I looked around the room my eyes stopped on Cassie. Oh my.......she was beautiful. As she made eye contact with me she appeared hurt, why is she hurt? She's the one who said that she'd think about taking me back and then the very next day going out with Louis. I went out with Grace to make her jealous but it's been like what? Two months now and she hasn't come crawling back to me. Damn, I could beat the crap out of Louis without any hesitation what-so-ever.

Turning to Grace I gently brought her lips to mine for a second before looking over to Cassie to see her reaction but I guess she didn't notice. Her back was faced away from me and she was hugging him with his arms wrapped around her and they slowly kissed......that should be me.


Cassie's POV

"I'm gonna use the bathroom" Louis smiled before quickly pecking me and walking off towards the front door but then turning up the stairs to the hallway.

After about two minutes of me talking to some guy with shirt blonde hair and dark green eyes. He looked like a shoulder in late thirties as he was very buff too. He claimed to be my uncle to I just spoke about my life. Not that there's much to share that isn't personal, everything I do now is involved in my lovelife, uh.

I glanced towards Harry and realised that Grace stood up and walked away to the stairs, she's going to the bathroom.


It's been about 20 minutes since Grace left. I was getting rather confused, what's going on? What's taking him so long?

Looking around to Harry I realised he was thinking the same as me, as if mirroring me we both got up and walked towards the stairs.

We both stopped at the bottom realising that it was only one person thick, "ladies first" he said motioning me up

"What a gentleman" I rolled my eyes at him standing my ground, don't know why but I just don't want to go up now that he told me to

"Please, I've done nothing wrong"

"Nothing? I was coming to the cafe so take you back but you were on the date with Grace"

"You said that you needed time, I gave it to you then I saw you were dating Louis so I took that as a no, I'm aloud to date people Cassandra"

"What? No, I didn't go out with Louis till like a week later!" I started to raise my voice

"Well thanks for the enlightenment!!" He yelled, clenching his fists at his sides

"Whatever, I know your not telling the truth" I spat before making my way up the stairs with him closely behind me

"You want the truth?" He grabbed my wrist when we were at the top of the stairs before turning me around, "I'll give you the truth"

"Well it's about ti-"

"I spend everyday thinking about you and how you broke my heart. I got with Grace because I wanted to make you jealous and take me back. You went our with Louis and that sucked but you know what?! I know he's going to break your heart and when that happens I'll be here! You know why? Because we're made for each other, I'm closed off, arrogant, a jerk and not as tough as I think-"

"You got that right" i scoffed before walking towards the bathroom door before he stopped me again

Harry's POV

"You got that right" she scoffed before storming away to the bathroom door. She's so stubborn

Following after her to the door I stopped her again

"Nope you've got to hear me out. As your stubborn, rude and a arrogant bitch but that's exactly why we're perfect for each other because no one in this world can out up with us apart form each other" Her mouth opened in disgust at how I said she was an arrogant bitch but that's true, she really is but I love that about her, "I love you more than I love myself and I know for a fact that you feel the same but as I said, your too stubborn to accept that and take me back after me not actually doing anything because your too arrogant to admit that you stuffed up"

"You know, if your going for a heart warming speech here, your wayyyyyy off" she rolled her eyes, empathising the word way.

"Thanks, but you know it's true, I love you and all I want is you back and I know you want me too so if you could stop rolling your eyes and-"

"What the hell!!!" She yelled looking through the doorway before I followed her gaze and froze.

Grace was sitting on the bench next to the sink and Louis was standing in between her legs making out with her. His hands were on her hips and her hands around his neck and one raking through his hair.

Louis turned around and startled backwards while Grace just sat there shocked for a second. But you know the most surprising part? I didn't care, I was even kind of happy that this just happened. Now she would realise Louis' a jerk and would come back to me, ha yes!

I turned to Cassie and saw that she was crying uncontrollably and was slowly walking away towards the stairs, it hurts me to see her like this, that jerk Louis going to pay for this.

I ran towards his as my fist collided with his jaw. He stumbled backwards before bringing his hand to feel his jaw, he shouldn't pay attention to his jaw when I wasn't finished. I shoved him into the wall causing him to fall downwards before I sat on top of his and sent multiple punches to his face.

"Don't you ever hurt Cass again!" I shouted to him while I stood up, sending a kick to his stomach as he crouched over, trying to bare the pain I caused, good.

I washed my knuckles off quickly before walking over to Cassie and bringing her into a tight embrace, "I know I know, you told me so" she whispered before ranking back down the stairs.

I understand she's hurt right now but I know she'll come back around to me, I love her too much to let her slip.

I tuned back around and saw Louis crawling out the door before he groaned in back and fell flat on him back, "serves you right" I laughed before making my way down the stairs.

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