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Cassie's POV

I turned the corner till I was outside the science lab and quickly pulled out my phone to check the time, "9:47" I mumbled, "I thought I was late"

I suddenly heard footsteps coming from the corner I had passed earlier and out emerged Niall. He wore a big brown trench coat and black shades, "Cass" he sighed before removing his shades and embracing me in a warm hug, "I was so worried, I wanted to talk to you so badly-"

"Why didn't you?" I cut him off. He looked behind himself before stepping closer to me

"I was threatened," he held up his phone to reveal Harry's name at the top of the screen along with chat bubbles full of terrible threats, "I came to the hospital and he stopped me and told me to leave...."

"Oh" is all that can come out of my mouth, "I didn't know"

"I know but I wanted to say sorry and goodbye because i have to leave. It hurts seeing you guys together and you being so close yet so far, it's torture. I'm moving up state to Westander college, full scholoship" he beamed proudly of himself

"Oh um, okay congratulations and I'm sorry to out you though this, truly" I whisper my voice breaking, "I'm not going to Lie it hurts to see you go"

"Don't worry, I'll be back" he smiled to be before wrapping his arms around me and turning on his heals and walking away.

I stood there for what felt like hours before my phone beaped due to a message from Harry


*its almost 10, what's wrong with you?*

*love sick :P*

*dont think I have the cure :/*

*shame ain't it? Guess you'll just have to stay with me the rest of your life*

*dont hold you breath*

*i love you*

*wish I could say the same :P*


*i love you <3*

*i know,.....ill meet you in 10 at Billies Pizza Hut xx*

*okay :) xxx*

I snap my phone shut and walk over to the Pizza Hut taking in the event that just occurred, is he really gone?

**next morning**

My eyes snapped open due to my phone waking me up, it vibrated as I looked on the screen and let out a deep sigh, it's mum. Sighing once again I slid my finger across the screen to answer and brought the phone to my ear, "hello?"

"Oh Cassandra! As you would know today is a student free day!"


"Arg! Well if you attended your classes you would know these things! Don't deny it!"

"Why would I deny the truth?" I rolled my eyes, "sorry I'm not perfect mum" I mumbled under breath so she wouldn't hear

"Well I thought maybe you could come down and see me?"


"No?" She scoffed into the phone, "you are my daughter and you will do as your told young lady"

"Your my mother and you will do as your told" I mimicked her. She gasped and before she could say another thing I quickly said, "be there at 12" before hanging up quickly and rushing to the shower with my clothes for the day. Once I was dressed and my hair was dry and straight I went to the door and as I opened it there stood Harry with his knuckles ready to knock on my door. He laughed before shoving his hands in his pocket, "it's a student free day today, I'm going to my mums come with?" I asked giving him a hug

"Um yeah sure" he mumbled looking at the ground. Harry's never been very fond of my mother but hey, neither have I. I can never forgive her after what she did..........


Harry slowly pulled up in the drive way to the big white mansion which we referred to as my mothers house (also referred to as the hell hole)

I knocked on the door and took some steps backwards, she answered the door afew seconds later. Oh gosh.

Out marched my mum in a tight white sparkled dress which reached mid thigh and her necklace and bracelets shimmered as she walked towards me with her arms open, I gave her my worst fake smile to silently show that I didn't want to hug her. She rolled her eyes and snapped her arms back down to her sides, she looked back at me but shortly after i saw her eyes wander over my shoulder. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist as he steps next to me while my mothers eyes practically burst out of her head.

"Ms Agriotti, pleasure" he nodded

"Um.....well ur the pleasures all mine....kind of" I rolled my eyes at her

"Harry and I are dating now mum so you better treat him better"

"Figured" she snapped before turning and walking back in side, "Thai is going to be a long lunch" Harry mumbled in my ear as I nodded, "you can say that again.

As we walked into the living room my eyes wandered to the man or should I say boy sitting on the couch. He looked around my age maybe slightly older. He wore a black sweater with a white collar and navy jeans along with grey socks. He was very handsome as he had consistent tanned skin with caramel eyes and short black hair which was skiffed up at the front.

"Hello" he smiled standing up and shaking my hand, "I'm Zayn" his white teeth shone so bright in his smile, if we were in a cartoon he would've had one of those sparkle star things chime......

"I'm Cassie" I smiled back to him. Harry walks over and hands me a cup of water before introducing himself to Zayn. It's good having Harry here, he knows how hard it is for me to be back here, "so Cassie, your 20 in a month" he smiled while licking his lips. Harry walks over to me and wraps his arms around me from behind then death staring Zayn, ug boys.

"Don't worry man, I'm taken too" he smiled bringing his hands up in defeat. I slowly brought the glass of water to my mouth as I sipped the cool refreshing water, "who's the lucky lady?" Harry smiled

"Cassie's mother" I instantly chocked on my water, u spat it out all over the floor before going through a horrendous coughing fit, "wow is she okay?" Zayn asked coming and placing his hand in my shoulder

"Babe" Harry started but was lost for words too. After my coughing fit was over I patted my chest before turning to Zayn, "how old are you might I ask Zayn?"

"I'm 20, turning 21 a few months after Christmas" he smiled as though nothing's wrong! My mother, whose 35 (she had me at 15.......I know right) is dating someone my age, I'm gonna be sick, "excuse me" he fake smiled before exiting out the front door and turning to a bush to throw up, not literally throwing up but it made me feel better. After 10 minutes or so I decided to proceed inside. Everyone was at the table and Harry was sitting next to an empty chair. I sat next to Harry who was opposite Zayn who sat next to my mother.

"Yeah it's supposed to be 3D!" Zayn exclaimed as he spoke to Harry about the new tv and the graphics for watching sports, "come mate I'll show you!" Him and Harry hurried off down the hallway before exiting into a rook on the left. Great just me and my cooger mother.

"Sweetie I know this is strange but-"

"But nothing mum. Your doing it......again!"

"No! I have been aware not to do it again!" She cried slamming down her napkin into the table, wow calm down mum *note the sarcasm*

"You don't know what you out me through. You blame me for everything when I think it's only right to blame yourself"

"Don't you dare speak to me that way"

"Don't you dare speak to ME that way!" I slammed my cutlery down before raking my hands through my hair, "you....you.....you had sex with a guy at 14! You had me at 15 so you decided why not just throw this baby in my house and expect it to take care of itself! Dad took care of me while you went and partied all night! He put up with you for seven years! That's seven too many considering you brought home a different guy each night! I would hear him sob at night while you banged some bastard! He left you when I was 7 but you didn't change! I raised myself and when you had troubles you'd take it out on me! I have scars from where the glass from you smashing bottles on me where. I had nothing! I sat at home all day and just imagined what you'd do to me for tonight! Maybe she'll kick me, or smash some glass on me, maybe she'll punch me, maybe she'll choke me, maybe SHE SHOULD JUST KILL ME!!" I yelled, tears were running down my face as I grabbed a plate and smashed it I'm the ground. She was just frozen in place, tears pooling in her eyes as she shook

"I'm so so sorry, I re-"

"Sorry won't fix the Broken problems. Sorry won't fix the scars. Sorry won't fix my shattered self. Sorry won't take away the pain. Sorry won't take away the scars. Sorry won't take away the memories. Sorry will only take away the consequences" on that, I got up and left. Harry trailed behind me as I slumped into the drivers seat while Harry slowly sat down.

He betrayed me as he slowly mumbled the words that he had no right to say, "Sorry can fix the shattered pieces"

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